Let You Down

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I'd tell you my aunt greeted me that morning, a bit friendlier than we'd left off, but that would be a lie. She was mad. For what, I couldn't tell you. She's always mad.

I know she certainly wasn't pleased with Connor. And I know darn well she isn't going to be happy when she sees what I've done to myself, this time.

She's going to give me hell for this one, I know it.

"Auntie... hi.."

"Hello, Kevin." She returned blankly

"...you don't need to act so cold.. you still love me, don't you?"

"I refuse to answer thar after the way you let that little friend of yours treat me last night."

He arms were crossed in front of her chest, making her appear even less approachable than she was already making herself.

"I'm sorry.... h-he was just standing up for me.. he gets a little protective of me.. I'm sorry he said those things."

"He's a bad influence on you, Kevin. I won't let you around anyone who's going to try to turn you against me like that."

"He was only trying to help.. I'll tell him not to in the future.."

"There is no 'future."

"..I-I don't understand."

"You're not going to be spending any more time with that boy from here, on out."

"But.. he's my friend.. he helps me.."

"Well you're going to have to find yourself a new friend. One who isn't trying to turn you against me."

"He isn't trying to-"

"Don't you talk back to me." She cut me off sharply

"Yes, ma'am."

"That little friend of yours is bad news. Did you see the way he tried to make me into the bad guy last night? I'm not the bad guy, here. I'm just trying to do what's best for you... do you think I'd ever do anything to hurt you?"

"O-Of course not"

"I'm your family, Kevin. I know what's good for you. Much more than some disrespectful little twenty year old you met last week."

"I've known him for a long time now, Auntie."

"You've known me longer. Now are you going to be a good boy for once in your life and listen to what I'm going to tell you?"

I nodded quickly

"Good. I don't want you talking to him. Ever again."

"But Auntie-"

"God damn it, Kevin, what did I just say about talking back to me?"

"I'm so sorry" I flinched as she raised her voice

"I don't care if he's your friend. Friends don't try to turn friends against their family. People that care about their friends don't try to take them from their family... he doesn't care about you, not truly... I'm the only one here who truly cares for you"

"No... h-he cares about me... he tells me.."

"He's lying, Sweetie. But you know I'd never lie to you.."

"I-I know that.."

"Good... so you know I'm telling you the truth when I tell you that a boy like that isn't going to just give up when you tell him to go away.. he's going to keep hounding you. He's going to get you, he's going to turn you against me.."

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