Night And Day

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"Alright, I got you some vegetables as a side, I hope that's okay."

"I love vegetables."

"I know you do" Adelaide pulled a stalk of Brussels sprouts "Have you ever made these before?"

"Not on my own... I-I've had them pre-made, before.. They were okay, just a little soggy."

"You're going to like them a lot better this way, I think. I'll help you prepare them. I also got you mayonnaise and seasoned salt, so your grilled cheese won't taste so bland.. You don't mind mayonnaise, right?"

"As long as it's only a little, it's okay.. I-I can't do a lot, one time I accidentally put too much on a sandwich and I got a whole bunch in one bite so I tried to wash it down with Coke, but that just made it so my stomach was full of mayonnaise and Coke.."

"Is that why you don't drink Coke anymore?"


"Understandable.. I got you the strawberries, I don't know if he likes milk chocolate or dark, so I got both"

"You.. really didn't have to do all this"

"You're my son, and it's your first date, of course, I'm doing all this."

"...Okay" I grinned, elated just to hear her call me her son

"And you're alright with the romantic connotations of these?"

"Yes... I-I want those connotations."

"Good, because if he wasn't already in love with you, those'll do it"

"Adelaide, nobody's in love, he's just coming over to eat and... to kiss me."

"You love him"

"Well, yes, of course, I do.. I'm not in love with him, I just love him.. he's my best friend."

"He seems to be a little more than that."

"...S-So what if he was..?"

"Kevin, you don't have to be defensive, I think it's sweet.. you deserve it."

"Do I, though?"

"More than anybody else I know."

"I don't know" I sighed

"I do. You deserve a lot of love, Kevin. Everyone does, but you've earned a Hell of a lot of it. Just let yourself enjoy that. You're young. You should let yourself enjoy being young, it won't last forever. You should treasure it.. young romance is a gift, Kevin."

"Isn't that sort of thing supposed to be reserved for your teenage years?"

"In movies. In reality, teenagers are awkward, and their romances, if any, are awkward, too. Teenage years aren't all they're chalked up to be. You're twenty-three years old, Kevin. You're young, you're good looking.. you're in the prime of your life. And he's just the same. You've got a good thing going here, you deserve to sit back and appreciate it all. Live in the moment."

"...Did you ever have one?"

"One what?"

"A.. 'Young romance' per se..."

"As a matter of fact, I did" She smiled and the corners of her eyes creased "His name was Todd, he was a lifeguard at the beach back home."


"Yeah. He was really something. Very handsome.. not very smart. But he was nice. Always very sweet. I would sneak out nights to see him. He'd bring me flowers he stole from his neighbor's garden."

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