They fell into an awkward silence again so she ran her finger under 10K's chin and felt the stubble he now had there.

"You need to shave Ten." She said softly and he chuckled and brought a hand to rub his cheek.

"You should have seen the beard."

She giggled as she trailed her fingers down his neck and over his chest taking in how he'd changed. His face seemed fuller, his hair longer in the back and messier on top, his shoulders were broader, almost like any part of the boy she'd met five years ago had fully vanished now leaving behind the man in her bed. She trailed her fingers across his stomach looking at the freckles she didn't remember being there before and blushed slightly before the more logical side of her kicked in and she realized the gravity of what just happened. Then she pulled her hand away and sat up again pulling the sheet with her once more to keep her decency.

"I broke my promise." He finally spoke and she looked over her scarred shoulder at him, "I promised I'd find you. That I'd come after you."

"You thought I was dead." She reminded him, "And I'm glad you moved on, that you had Red, that you weren't alone with nothing but your misery for two years."

"But still. . . " he trailed off looking at her shoulder covered in scar tissue.

"Things are different now." She said quietly, almost sadly though she tried not to let that show, "Everything's changed."

"Not everything." He said and when she looked at him she saw him looking back. "I still love you."

"Tommy, don't –" she moved to get out of bed but he sat up and grabbed her arm.

"Just. . . hear me out." He begged, "What I feel for you hasn't changed, I do still love you. If I didn't I never would have. . . " he trailed off as he stroked up and down her arm with his fingertips, "You know I'd never take advantage of you like that. I'd never use you for my pleasure. I'd never toy with you like that."

She gave a small smile still looking at him over her shoulder, "I know." She replied and he gave a small smile but that hurt puppy look never left his green eyes. She scooted back onto the bed as he sat up more and he brought their faces closer together as his arms wrapped around her waist and he pulled her back into his chest as their lips met.

"10K." she whispered trying to get his attention as he kissed her again, "Ten." She said more forcefully and put her hand to his chest stopping him.

"I know, I'm sorry." He said nestling his face in the curve of her neck and pulling her impossibly closer into him, "It's just. . . God, I never thought I'd get to hold you again." he said peppering her scarred shoulder with kisses as her hands moved to cover his arms around her middle, "Never get to feel you in my arms again."

"I get it." She said softly, "But you do realize you have to figure this out right?"

"I know." He said his head still resting on her scarred shoulder. "With everything that happened, how this world is, even when I thought I lost you I. . . It wasn't that I changed who I loved, more like. . . my heart made more room." He said then looked up at her, "Does that make any sense?"

She nodded, "It does."

". . . I'm just, not looking forward to talking to Red about it." He said looking back to her, "With you, the way you read people, I know you can tell what's going on in my head. . . maybe better than I do. You can see all the inner conflict. With Red. . . she doesn't poke around in other people's minds like you do. Red is probably going to hit me until I'm black and blue then when Sarge finds out about this." he shrugged gesturing to how cuddled up they were in bed, "She might take her gun and finish the job."

Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNation 10K/Tommy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now