Let me show you...

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I wake up in the morning with Abigail wrapped around me. I'm on my back and she's up against my side with her hand on my chest and her leg thrown over my waist. One hand of mine is resting on top of her thigh and the other is around her waist. I could get use to this.

Last night was even more incredible than I imagined it would be and thats saying something because my fantasies were pretty fucking epic. Abby is uninhibited in bed. She isn't afraid to ask for what she wants and she's also very giving. I was pleasantly surprised by that. At times while talking to her she came across as being on the shy side. That definitely isn't the case in the bedroom.

After the first round we showered together and I had fun playing with her until she was begging for me to fuck her. I picked her up and carried her to the bed and did just that. Now only a few short hours later I want her all over again.

Just as I'm about to give in to temptation and wake her my phone rings. I try to slide out from under her so I can get my phone out of my pants pocket but she tightens her arm and leg around me and speaks without opening her eyes.

"No, don't go. You're so warm and I'm comfortable."

I figure who ever it is will leave a message or call back if its important so I ignore the phone and roll onto my side so I can face her.

"Good morning, sexy."

She peeks at me through one eye.

"Why are you so awake? It's early on News Years day. Isn't there a law against being awake before noon?"

I smile as I tuck a wild piece of hair behind her ear.

"There's not a law against being awake before noon, however there is a rule that says you can't get out of bed before then. So I think we definitely need to find some way to entertain ourselves for the next few hours."

She finally opens both eyes and smiles.

"I think I like that rule. What do you have in mind?"

"Let me show you."

I throw the covers over both our heads and kiss my way down her body. Once I'm settled between her thighs I quickly go about tasting her. I can't get enough of her. She must like what I'm doing because she moans and then cries out my name. Between my tongue, lips and fingers it doesn't take long for her to start breathing heavy and begging for more.

I throw the covers off us and sit up between her legs. With her legs spread I have the perfect view.

"Abby, touch yourself for me. I want to watch as you make yourself come."

She doesn't hesitate and I find that so fucking sexy. She has so much confidence and she isn't embarrassed at all.

She slides her hands down her body, while one hand stops to play with her nipple the other goes lower. She rubs across her clit a few times and as she does she bites her lip and moans. Shes so fucking gorgeous and the sight of her touching herself is enough to make me grab my dick in my hand and start to move. I go slow at first, nice long strokes from balls to tip.

She watches and I can tell she likes what I'm doing. As she watches she slides two fingers deep inside herself and I watch as her hips start to move. Her other hand comes down and rubs on her clit as she continues to move against her fingers.

As she picks up the pace of her movements so do I. I take my other hand and pull on my balls. Fuck I'm close. I look up at her face and I see her looking at me.

"I'm close. Are you?"

She nods her head yes and then when I look down again I see her slide her now soaking wet finger into her ass.

"Fuck." The word comes out as growl. I pump hard into my hand.

"Yes, Andrew, come with me."

I get up on my knees and just as she cries out with her release I find my own. I come all over her stomach and then I watch as she takes her finger and she runs it over her stomach and then up to her mouth.

"Jesus christ woman. Are you trying to kill me?"

I lean forward and I kiss her. When we finally pull apart we have to break the rule about not getting out of bed because we both definitely need another shower.

When we're done we crawl back into bed and order room service. While we eat brunch in bed we talk about everything and anything. She tells me all about her life growing up in Chicago. It's very clear that her and her parents were very close.

"I love Chicago and I'll always want to visit but ever since my parents died it just hasn't felt the same. I have friends and I know the gallery owners there but for some reason it just doesn't feel like home anymore. Who knows maybe it's because I travel so much and nowhere really feels like home."

"So do you think you'll move here to Cincinnati?"

"Its a possibility. I'll give it some thought while I'm away."

"Where else are you going besides India?"

"I'll be in India for three weeks and then I have two weeks where I'll go back to Chicago. After that I have a two week trip planned to Santorini, Greece."

"It's beautiful there. Have you been before?"

"No, I've been to Athens but never Santorini. You've been?"

"Yes. Once, a few years ago. You'll love it."

"I'm sure I will. Did you go with friends or a special lady friend?"

I smile because she's trying to make the question sound casual and like she's not all that interested in the answer but I can see she is.

"I went with the woman I was dating at the time."

"Were you two serious?"

"We were. We were together for two years at that point. And dated for another year after that."

"Wow, three years. What happened?"

"We wanted different things and in the end we realized that things just weren't going to work."

"What was her name?"

"Chloe. She works for the same company as me."

"So do you still see her?"

"Not often since my promotion. Now I mostly work from home. I occasionally have to travel or go in for a meeting but other than that I work remotely. In today's world most of us do. Everything can be done on a computer, through email and conference calls. "

"Thats nice. You said you were in marketing right?"

"Yes, I'm the Chief Marketing Officer."

"That sounds important and like it pays well."

I laugh. "Yes it does. But I also was lucky to make it through school on a full scholarship and therefore I didn't acquire any debt. Plus when my grandma passed away she left everything to me. So I don't do the work for the money. I do it because it interests me and I'm good at it."

"I'm sure you are. You're good at a lot of things." She gives me a devilish smile.

I move the trays off the bed and move towards her.

"Is that so? Like what kind of things?"

"All the things. Anything that requires you to use you hands." She trails a fingernail over my palm. "Or your lips." Her finger moves up to trace my lips and suprise her by taking into my mouth and sucking on it. She groans as she moves on. "Or your tongue." When she pulls her finger free she slowly moves it down my body. "Or your big hard dick." She takes me into her hand and after a few strokes I push her on her back and then proceed to show her again just how good I am.

Follow You (Second Chances Series Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now