In this together...

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Living with Andrew has been amazing so far. It's been a few weeks and he has really done everything he can to make me feel at home here. So have his friends, our friends. I've spent a lot of time with the girls getting to know them and getting advice since three of them are new mothers themselves. Spending time with Olivia, Wyatt and Amelia have given Andrew and I a lot of practice for when our baby arrives.

It's a Saturday afternoon and Andrew and I are out shopping for things for the nursery. We've picked out a white crib and dresser along with a comfortable rocking chair and foot rest. We're keeping things neutral and then once the baby's here we can always add more personalized details later. We're looking at rugs when Andrew's cell phone rings. It's his father. He looks at me for a minute before answering.


I walk away a little to give him space. He's been talking to his mom and dad lately and I think it's been good for him. I'm looking at a beautiful rug made of greys, blacks, tans and whites that I think will work great in the baby's room when Andrew comes to stand by my side.

"Everything okay?"

"My dad wants to get together. He wants us to have dinner with him, his wife and Maggie."

I turn to face him.

"Is that something you want?"

"I guess. I don't know."

"If it's something you want to do then I'm here for you and I support you one hundred percent. And if you don't want to then I support that too."

He pulls me into his arms.

"Thank you." He kisses my forehead before pulling back to look at me. "Maybe we could have them to the house for dinner?"

"That would be nice. We could invite Noah and Kate. Having your family there might make it easier for you."

He tucks my hair behind my ear as he smiles wide.

"You, Miss Anderson, are amazing. You know just the right thing to say to make me feel better. That's a great idea. I'll call Noah when we get home and then call my father back."

We decide to get the rug that I was looking at and finish up by picking out some book shelves and plant stands. Then we head home and I take a nap as Andrew makes the phone calls that he needs to.

When I wake up Andrew tells me that we're having dinner two weeks from today with his dad's family and Noah and Kate. We have plans next week to go to Chicago for my exhibit at the art gallery. Leo and Emma are coming as well and I'm excited to have everyone see my latest work.

I've decided to hold off on planning any more trips for now. Leo's setting me up with the art gallery here in town that he used to sell Cassie's work. I still have plenty of photos from previous trips that I can show. Plus, I've started exploring the city here and taking local photographs. I'm really excited about some of the stuff I've taken so far.

The weekend rolls around and Leo, Emma, Andrew and I decide to go out to dinner before heading to the gallery. I spent all morning at the gallary making sure everything was just right and I think the show will be a hit. I hope so anyway.  We're at a nice steak house on North Wabash that has a great atmosphere and service along with mouth watering food.

Emma looks gorgeous in a black dress and the guys look handsome as always in their sport coats and ties. I went with a baby blue off the shoulder dress that really shows off my belly. I'm towards the end of my second trimester and thankfully the nausea and vomiting has decreased significantly so I'm able to enjoy our meal.

"Have you guys thought of names yet?" Emma asks after she takes a sip of her wine. I miss wine.

"We've discussed a few but we both think we need to see the baby before making a final decision."

Follow You (Second Chances Series Book 3)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin