It's complicated...

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What are the odds that Nicholas Mavros would be in town visiting the same time as me. And that he owns some of my work? I can't believe it. I'm a huge fan of his art and the only reason I don't own any of his sculptures is because I can't afford them.

Andrew went off to get a drink while Leo left to go find Emma so Nick and I have been talking all things art and Chicago. The band starts playing a slow song and Nicholas turns to me and holds out his hand.

"Care to dance?"

"I'd love to."

I allow him to take my hand and lead me to the dance floor when he pulls me into his arms and starts to slowly move us around the floor. He's a good dancer and he smells delicious.

"So what's the story with you and Andrew?"

I give a little laugh.

"It's complicated."

"How so?"

"We lived together until a few months ago when I moved back to Chicago."

I'm not ready to talk about Olive to a stranger I've just met so I leave it at that.

"And you're still friends?"


At least I like to think so.

"Anything more than that?"

Well...he did just get me off less than hour ago but of course I can't say that.

"Like I said it's complicated."

"So complicated that I shouldn't ask you to join me for dinner when we're both back in Chicago?"

I look at him in suprise. Honestly I didn't think that's where this was going. Sure I noticed how attractive Nick is but like I said, Andrew just got me off a short time ago and my mind is still processing that so the thought of another man asking me out didn't even register. I just thought that he admired my work.

"Why do you looked so surprised? You must know how stunningly beautiful, and sexy you are. Why wouldn't I want to ask you out?"

I feel my cheeks heat and I look down to try to keep him from noticing but he places his finger under my chin so I look at him again.

"Abigail you're beautiful, talented and from what I can tell, you're funny and kind. I would like very much to get to know you better."

"Nicholas, that's very sweet of you-"

"Can I cut in?"

I turn to see Andrew standing directly behind me. He doesn't look happy.

"That's up to Abigail."

I look at Nicholas and he doesn't look happy either. What the fuck is going on? How did I end up in the middle of a gala with two men who look like they're ready to beat the crap out of each other in some miss guided attempt to win me over?

I face Nicholas.

"Nicholas, could you give us a moment please. I'll come find you in a little while and we can finish our conversation."

He gives me a genuinely kind and sexy as hell smile before answering.

"Of course. I look forward to it."

He turns and walks away and I feel Andrew move closer so that we're touching, my back to his front. He slowly places his hand on my hip and then squeezes it as he whispers in my ear.

"Don't forget who made you come a little while ago. I can still taste you on my fingers."

I close my eyes against the heat that his words cause. I feel it in my stomach and between my legs. I turn and he pulls me into his arms and begins to dance with me.

"Andrew, what are we doing?"

"You tell me. You know exactly what I want. I want you. All of you. Now and until the day I die. But you Abigail, don't seem to know what you want."

God his words make me want to just say yes. Yes. I'll move back here and spend forever with him but I can't. There's too much pain between us.

"Am I not what you want Abby? Would you rather have someone like Nicholas Mavros?"

"What?" I pull back. "Don't be ridiculous Andrew. I just met the man. And of course I want you. I love you. That hasn't changed. But the fact is sometimes love just isn't enough. There's so much pain between the two of us. So much pain associated with you, your house, this city. Everytime I look at you, I see her." I feel my eyes mist up so I close them and take a deep breath before opening them again. "I see Olive and it kills me. Andrew, it rips me to peices. Every single time."

Andrew takes a step back from me and I see the pain that my words cause written all over his face. I try to touch his arm but he pulls away.

"You really aren't ever coming back to me. Are you?"

"Andrew, please can we go somewhere else and talk. Please?"

"Why? What's the point? I'm going to forever be punished by you because our daughter died. You'll never forgive me for the fact that we lost her."

"Andrew, it wasn't your fault."

He's getting angry and his voice raises some.

"No shit. I know that but I don't think you really do. You keep punishing me because of it. Why the fuck else would you do that if you didn't blame me?"

People are starting to watch us now. Leo and Noah come over and Noah grabs Andrew's arm to try and pull him away.

"Guys, come on let's go somewhere more private."

We both ignore him.

"I'm not punishing you Andrew. I don't blame you! I blame myself. I'm the one who lost our daughter. Not you. I don't deserve to be happy. I don't deserve you!"

I take off running and I hear Andrew yell my name but I keep going down the hallway and hop on the elevator that someone just came off of. I push the button for the top floor and get off when the doors open. This floor holds the offices of the people who run Cassies Hope. I find Leo's but of course the door's locked. I slide down the door and sit on the floor where I wrap my arms around my knees and rest my head against them as I cry.

How could Andrew think I blame him? I don't. I hear the elevator ding and then I hear Leo calling out my name. I stay quiet but he finds me anyway.

"Hey you. Can I sit?"

I nod my head without lifting it. I feel him sit next to me and we just sit in silence for a minute before he finally speaks.

"Don't make the same mistakes I made Abby. I blamed myself after I lost Cassie and Eli. And in the process of punishing myself I hurt Emma."

He rubs his hand up and down my back.

"Don't do the same thing to Andrew. Or to yourself. What happened with Olive was no one's fault. Look at me Abby." I turn my head so I can see him without raising it. "No one's fault. Not Andrew's and certainly not yours. It was a tragedy that the two of you will never truly get over but that doesn't mean that the two of you can't be together and make each other happy."

I start to cry harder and he pulls me against him.


I look up and there's Andrew. He looks so heartbroken that it crushes me. I get to my feet and run to him.

Follow You (Second Chances Series Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now