Olive Grace...

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After we bathe, dress and take pictures of Olive we both just take turns holding her. A nurse comes in to check on us every so often but doesn't stay long and gives us our space.

The nurses name is Amy and she has been amazing. Sadly you can tell this isn't her first experience with this kind of situation. She just checked on Abby.

"Is there anything I can get for either of you?"

I'm sitting in the rocking chair with Olive.

"I'm okay, thank you. Abby?"

She shakes her head no.

"Okay. If you think of anything just hit the call button. There are quit a few people in the waiting room for you. Is there anything you would like me to tell them?"

"Thanks but I'll go out and talk to them in a minute."

She nods her head and leaves the room. I stand up and walk over to Abby. I give Olive another kiss on her cheek before handing her over.

"What do you want me to tell whoevers out there?"

Abby settles Olive in her arms and runs her fingertip over her cheek. She takes a minute before she looks at me and answers.

"I can't handle a big crowd."

I see her eyes well up so I bend over and cup her cheek in my hand.

"Hey, sweetheart, it's okay. I'm okay with whatever you want to do here."

She gives me a sad little smile.

"Thank you. I would like Leo and Noah to see her if they want."

I nod my head. "I'd like that too." I kiss her softly on the lips. "I'll go out there now and see if they want to come in."


I touch Olive's little hand before I turn and leave the room. I make it halfway down the hall as I head towards the waiting room when all the emotions I've been holding back hit me like a tidal wave. I put my back to the wall and bury my face in my hands as I break. Suddenly my knees give out and I slide down the wall.


I feel someone sit next to me and pull me into their arms. I turn and I'm confused by who I see.


I wrap my arms around him and cry even harder. I knew Noah was going to call him but I guess I never thought he would come. In this moment I'm incredibly grateful that he did. We both hold on to each other as let out all my sadness, anger, and pain.

"She's so beautiful. She looks like Abby. But I'll never get to see her grown up. I'll never get to hear her call me daddy. Why? Why won't I get to know my little girl?" I cry harder as the anger pushes to the top of my emotions. "Why, goddammit! How is this fair?"

"It's not, son." I hear Michael's voice break. "It's not fair. You don't deserve this. Abby doesn't deserve this and Olive most definitely didn't deserve to have her life taken before it ever began." He pulls me in tighter. "I don't have an answer as to why and even if I did it wouldn't make it any easier. So go ahead and be pissed off and hurt.You're entitled to all those emotions."

We sit there a few minutes longer and then I pull away and wipe my face.

"I have to get back in there. I don't want to leave Abigail too long." I stand up and reach out my hand to help Michael up. "But first I have to go talk to Leo and Noah."

"Okay, do what you need to do. I'm here if you need me."

I nod my head and turn to walk away but I stop and turn back to him.

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