So close...

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Damn he's even hotter than I remembered and I remembered him as being pretty fucking hot. Andrew Miller hasn't taken his gorgeous green eyes off me all night and as a result I have some serious wetness happening in my tiny lace thong.

Since I first met Andrew a little over a year and a half ago I've had many dreams about him. We met at our mutual friend Leo's ribbon cutting ceremony for Cassie's Hope, a facility that helps families who are impacted by cancer. He runs a foundation called Eli's Legacy and he does amazing things for people all across the country.

Leo asked me to turn some of my photographs into wall murals for the facility and when I met Andrew he was admiring my work. We exchanged emails addresses and emailed back and forth for a while about my work and Leo and Emma but it never seemed to be going anywhere and eventually we stopped emailing.

But tonight, tonight, he seems to definitely be interested. I felt his eyes on me all night and what I saw in them everytime I looked back at him was pure sex.

Now here we are dancing and I suddenly feel nervous and don't know what to say. Luckily, he starts up the conversation.

"So have you been to India before?"

"Yes, a couple of times but I've never been to this particular village. I'm pretty excited about it. Something about a place where people have so much trust and respect for each other that they don't feel the need for doors is astonishing to me."

"It sounds very interesting. Although, I do wonder about privacy." He flashes a crooked little smile at me that is incredibly sexy.

I smile back. "There is that. I guess I'll find out when I go."

"Do you travel alone?"

"For the most part yes. Occasionally I'll have a friend or fellow photographer who's interested in seeing whatever place it is I'm traveling to."

"You don't get lonely or worry about your safety?"

"No. I never travel alone if its somewhere where I'm concerned about my safety. And as for being lonely, that's not an issue, the people I photograph are always so welcoming. They invite me into their homes and cook for me and show me their amazing cultures."

"What's one place you want to go but haven't been to yet?"

"Vietnam. My dad fought in the war over there. My parents had me later in life because dad was pretty messed up after the war and it took him awhile to get his head on straight. He hated everything about that war but he loved the villages and the people. So I want to go and experience what he did one day."

"Why haven't you gone yet?"

"I lost my dad a while back to pancreatic cancer and then my mom shortly after in a car accident. Its been tough and I know that trip will be emotional for me and I'm just not ready yet."

"I'm very sorry for your loss. That must of been very hard on you. Do you have any other family, siblings?"

"No it's just me. How about you? Big family."

He looks over the top of my head and I see his eyes go dark.

"No. Just me." He finally looks back down at me and gives a little smile. "And my friends. Especially Noah. He and his family have been great to me over the years."

"Thats good that you have them. May I ask, did you lose your parents also?"

"No. My dad walked out on my mom and I when I was young and I have no idea where he is. I probably wouldn't even recognize him if I passed him on the street since I was so young when he left. My mom battled depression and alcohol after he left and was unable to take care of me so my grandma took me in. She died when I was seventeen and my mom was doing better for a while so I moved back in with her but it didn't work out. I left as soon as I turned eighteen and I haven't seen her since."

"Andrew, I'm so sorry. In a lot of ways that's harder than actually losing them."

He looks at me like he's surprised by my comment.

"What, its true. The way I lost my parents, there was nothing they or I could do to change it. Your parents made choices and those choices will haunt you for the rest of your life. I'm sure they've shapped the man you've become and how you deal with relationships."

"Wow." He shakes his head and gives a sad little laugh. "If I didn't know better I would think you were a shrink."

"Well to be fair I did major in psychology in college. I figured if the whole photography thing didn't work out that I needed a back up plan and the human psyche has always fascinated me."

Now he looks really surprised.

"No shit?"

"No shit. I've actually found it to be helpful when traveling the world. It helps me to know and understand people. I've actually toyed with the idea of getting my Masters degree. One day I won't want to travel the world anymore."

"Thats amazing Abigail. You're amazing."

He looks like he's about to lean in and kiss me. I lick my lips out of sheer nerves. He watches the movement and lets out a little groan as he cups the back of my head.

Just then the music stops and the band leader calls for everyone to clear the dance floor so the they can throw the garter and the bouquet.

"Fuck." We still haven't moved and part of me is hoping he says screw it and kisses me anyway. But then he drops his hand and steps back. "To be continued."

I just nod my head yes and then he walks away. Damn, so close. I was so close to making my fantasies come true. The nights still young, there's still hope.

Follow You (Second Chances Series Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now