Strange night...

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I was finally ready to give into temptation and kiss her but then the damn music stopped. Talk about bad timing. So now here I am standing in a group of unmarried men waiting for Noah to throw the garter. Hunter and Millie aren't married so he's standing next to me.

"You and Abigail looked pretty cozy together."

I take a drink of my whisky and ignore him.

"Millie told me she talked you into making a move."

"Millie has a big mouth."

He gives me a sly smile. "Man, you have no idea."

"Just because she can fit you in her mouth doesn't mean it's big."

"You're a funny guy. Dickhead."

I laugh. "So when are you and Millie getting married?"

"As soon as she says yes."

I turn to look at him. "So you've actually asked her?"

"Not officially with a ring but yes I have. She said there's no rush. That she's happy with the way things are."

"Why the hell didn't you have a ring when you asked?"

"Because it was one of those in the moment things. I wasn't prepared."

"You ever think that maybe she thought you weren't serious and that's why she said no? Maybe you need to have a ring and show her how serious you are."

He thinks for a second. "Yeah, maybe."

Noah throws the garter and when I see it heading my way I push Hunter in front of me so he has to catch it.

"See it's a sign."

"Sign my ass, you pushed me."

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

Hunter laughs. "Yeah, right. I need another drink. You want one?"

"No, I'm good. Thank you."

Noah walks up to me and we watch as Kate gets ready to throw the bouquet.

"Congrats again, brother. You know Kate's too good for you right?"

"No shit. But she's stuck with me now. So whats going on with you and Abigail?"

"Every damn one of you are nosey bastards. I have no idea. There's definitely chemistry there but the whole situation sucks. So I can't decide if it's even worth exploring."

"Andrew, in all the years I've known you I have never known you to back down when it comes to a women. With the exception of Lily."

I turn and stand in front of him.

"Jesus christ. Does everyone know I had feelings for her?"

"I think so."

"What the fuck man? Why didn't you, of all people, ever say something to me?"

"Because I figured if you wanted to talk about it you would of brought it up. It's not like anyone ever thought you would act on them. How serious were those feelings and are they still there?"

"No. Jesus. It wasn't just physical, she's an amazing, stronge,intelligent woman and she's in love with Oliver and he's clearly in love with her. So whatever it was that I felt I pushed aside a long time ago. I havent thought about her that way in a long time."

"Thats good. So back to Abigail. Why aren't you going for it?"

I finish my drink, as I watch Kate throw the bouquet and some woman I dont know catches it, I wish I would of had Hunter get me another one.

Follow You (Second Chances Series Book 3)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon