The past is the past...

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Tonight's the night that my dad, his wife and my half sister are coming for dinner. Noah and Kate are already here helping with food prep and trying to keep me calm. Abby has a done a beautiful job of setting the table and making sure the house is perfect.We'll throw steaks on the grill once everyone's here and with that we'll have a greek salad, roasted vetables and mashed potatoes. Abby even made homemade dinner rolls.

Everything's all set and we have a few more minutes before they're due to arrive. Abigail pulls me aside and takes my hand. She looks absolutely gorgeous in a long, red summer dress. I haven't told my dad about the baby yet, so he'll be in for a big surprise when he sees her.

"You ready for this?" She squeezes my hand as she looks up at me.

"Not at all but it's something I have to do."

"Well I'm right here with you and we can kick them out whenever you're ready. These hormones are raging and I'm in full mama bear mode so I will mess with anyone who upsets the people I love."

Her eyes go big and I just stare at her for a minute before a slow smile breaks out across my face.

"Did you just say you love me?"

She stumbles over her words. "No. I don't know, maybe."

I pull her against me. "Abby-"

Just then the doorbell rings.

"Shit. We're picking this conversation back up after they leave."

I give her a quick kiss and then take her by the hand and bring her with me to answer the door.

When I open the door I see a man who slightly resembles some of the old pictures I've seen of him. You can tell he was handsome and still is but you can also tell he's sick and dying. He looks frail and tired. He also looks as nervous as I feel. Next to him are two blonde women. One older and one younger. Both of them are beautiful and they both have huge smiles on their faces.

Thankfully, Abigail is there to break the ice because I have no idea what to say.

"Hello. Welcome, I'm Abigail and this is Andrew. Please come in." We step back as they enter our house.

"You must be Michael." Abigail reaches out a hand in his direction and he takes it.

"Yes. And this is my wife Laura and our daughter Maggie." Both women shake Abby's hand and then she comes closer to my side and takes my hand in hers and squeezes it.

"Come on in, we've invited some people to join us. I'll introduce you."

Abigail leads the way as we walk back to the kitchen where Noah and Kate are working on the appetizers. I still haven't said a word. I honestly don't know what to say.

"Michael, Laura and Maggie we would like you to meet Noah and his wife, Kate. Noah is Andrew's brother for all intents and purposes." Everyone says hello and shakes hands.

Laura turns to me and Abigail. "Your home is absolutely lovely."

Finally, I speak. "Thank you." Okay, so it wasn't a lot of speaking but at least they now know I'm not mute.

Laura tries again. "I see congratulations are in order." Her eyes drop to Abbys stomach.

"Yes, thank you. We're due the beginning of October." Abby places her hand on her stomach and smiles. "We're very excited."

"Thats great news. Congratulations son." My eyes snap up to my father's face and Abby must feel me tense up because so speaks before I can react.

"Please everyone have a seat. Can we offer you something to drink?"

Follow You (Second Chances Series Book 3)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora