The handsome man walked further to the open ground. He saw two ladies sitting besides a big log of wood while two men were standing at a distance from them busy in their own conversation. However their attention was diverted when luna Zelda all of a sudden spoke "Where have you been? We thought you were lost."

"Just wandering around, looking for any way out of here." Callan spoke uninterestingly. Frustration was clear on his face. Justus and Ragnar soon appeared right besides him.

"Cally we have talked about this."

"I don't understand mother." The handsome man raised his angry voice "Why have I been dragged to this and who are we even meeting?"

Justus was upset by the way Callan spoke to his mother "I know you are frustrated from the strenuous journey Callan but this is not the tone in which you talk to your mother."

Callan knew that his father was right on this matter. Besides it wasn't the journey but the changes within him which were making him temperamental. Whatever may be the reason Callan knew that pouring out his anger on his loved ones was wrong. He lowered his dejected eyes and apologised to his mother "I am sorry."

"Don't be son." Zelda put her loving hand on the back of the man and caressed him while Mary smiled at him and nodded her head "We all are impatient and not knowing anything is not helping at all." Zelda looked at all the three men "Come, have something to eat."

Callan agreed and joined the other men. They all followed the ladies and took their places besides the wooden log. Callan was bemused for a second when he saw what was to consume for lunch. His face twisted in revulsion but he kept his mum and sat besides the alpha. When Mary started serving the meat she looked at her son apologetically. Being a human was certainly not easy. The wolves had a strong system which could macerate the raw flesh within them easily but for Callan he had to rely on a heated cooking so that his body could adjust to the meat and assimilate properly.

A nicely cooked meal looked impossible at this time for the chilly winds were making it difficult for the wood to hold any large fire. Callan thought about using his powers but felt uneasy about it. Moreover the sudden conflagration could garner unnecessary attention and alpha Ragnar could get suspicious. 

Callan smiled at his mother and happily took the plate. He looked at the oozing blood from the cuts of the meat loaf. It seemed as if the bison was hunted right in his plate. He picked up the part hesitatingly and brought it near his mouth when he heard some approaching footsteps. Callan saw his mate running towards them with a sac in his hands.

Einar stood besides his mother and smiled at her worried face. Zelda asked with concern "Where were you?"

"I.. uhm.. I-I went for a walk. I-I mean to hunt." he stole glances at the handsome man and to his father sitting right besides him "I couldn't find anything so I brought these."

The muscular man emptied the sac right in front of his mother. As soon as he inverted the bag some fleshy products of varying colors rolled their way to the available places. Mary picked one of the  fruits and a relieved, happy smile formed on her face "Cally look! These are all your favourite fruits."

"It was just a coincidence Mary. I picked up all the fruits which were available on my way."

A bright smile formed on Callan's face. He had surveyed the area before hand and so he knew that these fruits were not available here. Hence he concluded that Einar must have travelled a long way to get them. However Callan was happy to know that Einar knew what pleased his mate. He brought the exact same fruits which were Callan's favourite. He looked at the standing man in amusement and said with a low voice "Yes. What a coincidence!"

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