Unknown Feelings

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The shackles which bounded Einar eventually thawed. His complete demeanor was that of a brute, savage monster. He could feel blood rushing through the veins of the dragon. Whereas the dragon could not speculate what stood before him, he became a bit wobbly, a bit scared. The black mist surrounding Einar was getting stronger and larger. Einar scowled showing his canines with aggression; he slowly levitated his body and was in front of the dragon in no time. The dragon was in an attacking position, he was ready to fire his mighty flame but even before he could do that the mist clouded the dragon and circled its neck, constricting its supply of air. The dragon choked and whined painfully until he was forced to transform in his human form. Callan could not believe his eyeballs when he registered that the beast who had driven him crazy, attacked a boy brutally and was about to kill him for food or worst for his own amusement, was in fact a boy who must have been around sixteen or seventeen. How ironic was this, the boy in plain sight looked harmless and innocent but his other side was equally demonic and barbaric.

Einar got hold of the boy with his right hand. He was fuming in anger when he choked the boy's jugular.

"How dare you touch him!"

This voice was cold, deathly and certainly different than that of Einar. The hold through the boys neck was getting tighter as the dragon shifter struggled to release himself. The boy showed fear and defeat clearly in his eyes. Einar ascended his claws and with one swift move pulled out the insides of the boys trachea.

To say Callan was scared was an understatement, he was hugely terrified at the moment. Petrified from what he just saw. He had seen nothing like this in his entire existence.

What was it?

A shifter; a beast; a monster; or a supreme entity. Whatever it was, one thing was for sure that this thing saved his life. But was he really safe? Would Callan suffer the same fate as the boy? These thoughts scared him and his heart hammered in his chest. The rhythmic rise and fall of Callan's chest caught the attention of Einar, or what was supposed to be Einar.

He turned his gaze to Callan. He was transfixed at him. On the other hand all Callan could see was an entity approaching him without touching the ground. But somehow Callan was mesmerized with its aura; he awed the being in front of him. He felt safe. While Einar had a look of content and admiration on his face. He lowered himself and was fingertips away from Callan's lips and brushed his mouth momentarily.

The very next moment Einar was thrown back at a considerable distance in the air. He took a flight and crashed to a nearby tree trunk landing in bushes. Callan could not help but notice that it was the same power that sent Einar flying, the only difference being that the power was stronger and more magnetic.

It was the Alpha.

Ragnar shielded Callan and was in a defensive stance, whereas the other members of the pack watched the scenario unfold from a distance. When Einar woke up from the ground, he was himself. He was disoriented but quickly composed himself. He could see his father standing in front of the boy whereas a few pack members including some warriors had shock and fear written all over them. And all of them were watching Einar with horror.

"Are you okay son?" The Alpha inquired.

"I..I'm fine father. A bit dizzy though." Ragnar signaled his pack members to come and do their job. The warriors kept a safe distance from the Alpha's son when they were carrying the corpse. While a few of them attended Garrick and rushed him to the Alpha house.

"Hello son." Justus was calm but concern reflected his eyes.

"I'm going to pick you up now. It might pain a bit. Just hang on tight." Justus took a deep breath and lifted his son off the ground. The very slightest movement caused Callan great discomfort. He painfully groaned for every movement his father made. He gritted his teeth and shut his eyes tightly. He was in tears. This was not going too well with Einar who for some reason felt very uncomfortable with every sound of pain Callan was making. He suppressed his urge for growling countless times. Even his wolf was whining within him.

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