The Other Form

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For the next several days Callan was advised bed rest. His leg was bothering him. The healers under the guidance of lady Odile performed several measures to cure the wounded leg. None of which proved effective for him. Aurora even tried to perform her magic potions on Callan but she failed time and again. The growing concern of the head Warrior and his mate affected even the Alpha. Aurora knew that Callan may suffer a permanent damage to his leg and it may happen that he would not be able to walk. Ever.

Einar paid frequent visits to meet Garrick, but in reality all he wanted to do was to get a glimpse of the face which had ruled his dreams these days. Unfortunately for him Garrick had recovered completely just after a few days of the incident. So Einar could no longer visit as frequently as he used to do. It saddened him the most; he missed his trainings and socialized even less with others. He was worried for the boy. He would enquire about his well being to other pack members every chance he got. This unknown concern within him was baffling to say the least. Callan had clouded his thoughts more so often. He was desperate to get the boy out of his mind, but the more he tried the more he failed.

On the other hand back in his room, Callan was absorbed in his thoughts when a knock on the door caught his attention.

"How is my darling doing today? How is your leg?" Aurora set aside her bag and sat in front of Callan crossing her legs.

"I guess I'm fine. The pain seems to be on the same level as it was on the first day. I don't think it is going to subside anytime soon." Callan exhaled with defeat.

"Don't think about that honey. We are trying our best; your father has even consulted healers from other packs and even other clans. We will surely find a way." Assurance was all Aurora could give Callan at the moment, deep down she knew that the problem was grave. The situation with Callan's wound was worsening day by day. Unless a solution is presented, Callan was in danger. She changed the bandages and applied the cure on him. With a curt smile she excused herself and went straightaway to find Justus.


"We have discussed this already; there is no proper explanation to whatever conclusions we are making. We need someone who could answer our questions. One who knows it all." Umberto was presenting his case on the ongoing discussion in the Alphas office.

"I know that. But the problem is as soon as this news gets out, my son would be a target. Every other Alpha would try to capture him or influence him for his own benefit." The Alpha was even more pensive now. "Before we seek out help we must figure out what caused this situation in the first place."

"The entire pack knows Alpha. They fear Einar, they see him as an abomination. From what I have heard the people are keeping a safe distance or even running away on the plain sight of the boy. For the same reason Einar has stopped socializing. It is not fair to the little boy when he does not even know about his powers." The Alpha nodded in agreement for what Justus said.

"May I come in Alpha." Aurora was on the door waiting for the Alpha's response.

"The healer, please come in. What brings you here?" Aurora took the empty seat adjacent to the Alphas desk. She saw that the Alpha, beta and the head warrior were circling another table with some papers and inks.

"Have I disturbed you?"

"Of course not. Just give us a moment." Ragnar rolled his papers and headed for his chair whereas Umberto and Justus took the vacant seats in front of the Alpha. "So you were saying.."

"I heard a bit of your conversation when I was standing outside the door. I am sorry to intrude your privacy, but I guess you were talking about the future Alpha, your son. Maybe I can help." Ragnar looked at his friends who were in the same dilemma. Should they tell Aurora or refrain. Einar's transformation was a serious situation and the less the people knew the better. His son's safety mattered the most for Ragnar as his packs future depended on it. But what if he could not handle the situation? What if it's too late?

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