Part 33

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Raya's POV:

We sit down at a small booth closest to near where the door is, I take a sip of my Koppaberg whilst it's in the bottle "aww god that's beaut" I sigh "best cider that Raya" says Nathan taking a sip of his Coors Lite afterwards "what's that like?" I ask pointing at Nathan's drink "it's the only beer I'll drink only usually drink Jack Daniels and Coke or Strongbow Dark Fruits" says Nathan "love both of them me other than mixers so pink gin and lemonade but I prefer it with Monster Ultra energy drink that's right nice" I say, I then go and grab Nathan's glass of Coors "well might as well" I take a mouthful and my face creases up from the taste "don't you like it" laughs Nathan as he takes the glass back "urgh" I moan after the beers gone down my throat "I'm not really a beer person" "yeah" says Nathan, another sip of beer goes down his throat.

"So how's your week been?" I ask "not too bad went gym on Wednesday, had a drink with Jordan on Thursday and went to see Julian and Ruby on Friday had tea round there so was nice," says Nathan "yeah sounds lovely," I say "yeah..." says Nathan "so what about your week after the breakdown on Tuesday" I look at him with my brows furrowed "don't push it" I laugh "but yeah been working, sent my CV off and now playing the waiting game until I get a call or an email or whatever back" "yeah think you'll get it?" says Nathan "I don't get my hopes up as the more you hold your breath the less likely things are and when you're used to disappointment any way you kind of learn not to get your hopes up," I say with a shrug before drinking again "yeah but Raya listen I have a tattoo on my ribcage you've probably already seen it and it says Live for Today as Tomorrow is Never Promised and you never know what tomorrow may bring so don't doubt or give up on yourself as good things come to those who wait," says Nathan and I think it's a safe bet to say that has to be the best lecture I have ever gotten from anybody in my life and I understand where he's coming from "can I see your ID?" I ask Nathan "why?" says Nathan "just want a nosey" I say Nathan chuckles softly, and hands me his ID I look at the writing.

1. Walker

2.Nathan Daniel (love his full name)

3. 4.3.1994

Then comes the date he can drive to the renewal date, to a signature to his home address 78 Aidensfeld Drive, North Ashtown. I look at the picture he must have been about 17-18 on this picture his eyes look bored and heavy, his mouth slightly open like a deer caught in headlights he just looks freaked out like he's been done for a crime he didn't commit, I hand Nathan back his ID "that's so bad that I was going to say something but knowing me I'll end up offending" I say "why what were you going to say?" says Nathan trying to usher me to say what I was going to say "no, no" I laugh "come on Raya we've been talking and heading out together for about 2 weeks now spit it out lass" laughs Nathan "okay..." I sigh and then there's that dreaded pause of fuck here we go, "on your ID card... you sort of look like a hardened criminal who looked like he's had his balls felt by his fellow inmate" the next thing should have been him finishing his drink and walking straight out of this date but what followed was the total opposite, Nathan just let out this huge chuckle in the middle of the restaurant I just smile and have a quiet word inside my head as if to say Raya you have just made a homophobic comment and he's sat there taking it on the chin What?

Nathan's POV:

I just know from this comment what type of woman Raya is a gorgeous lady, with a darkish sense of humour, a great smile, ebony locks that compliment her eyes and I just shake my head from laughing "I'm actually surprised you'd have found that funny" says Raya "well Raya I'm easy going so that's a bonus for you takes a lot to offend me" I say "yeah" says Raya "I think with everything we know so far about each other I think we need another date like this" says Nathan "yeah but let's not get ahead of ourselves Nate just enjoy the moment" says Raya, I reach for her hand and then when I feel her fingers interlocking mine it's like a million sparks have flown off a firework, and that's when the pub begins playing a music channel on the TV, the song playing Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran Everything Has Changed what a coincidence. "what channels this?" says Raya to one of the waitresses "InFinte TV" says the waitress "love the radio station" says Raya "isn't this what we listen to in my car?" I say "yeah it is" says Raya "great channel great radio station, great music" I look over at the massive mural of racehorses and their jockeys "that's well nice," I say "what?" says Raya "that mural of the horses and jockeys," I said nodding toward the mural, Raya has to get up, turn around and look at the mural behind her chair "oh yeah that is really nice," says Raya as she turns back around, and sits down "so what should we have to eat?" I say as I grab a menu, open it and then begin scanning through the text of the menu, what to have is so uneasy as there is so much choice.

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