Part 18 The Drive Back

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Raya's POV:

We pretty much sit there in silence, I mean I'm a woman of few words but even for me this is deafeningly silent like I can't get over it until I finally get up the courage and go for the radio "should I put the radio on?" I ask "yeah go for it," says Nathan, I press a button and a song comes that I don't like, then I press another button and another shitty rap song comes on with all the yo, my nigga and that shawty shit whatever that's about, I carry on until I find a song that doesn't make me angry that music's not as good as it used to be and then I find the right station the song that's playing is Teenage Dirtbag by Wheatus typical "great song this," I say, turning up the volume  "yeah I'll give you that one," says Nathan "I like oldish stuff but also the newish stuff," I say "yeah you seem the type that listens to anything really, Raya," says Nathan "yeah I'm sort of a bit of everything," I say with a smile, he smiles back at me and I begin to look out of the window of his car and start singing along to the lyrics until the infamous line comes on "I'm just a teenage dirtbag baby, listen to Iron Maiden baby with me" me and Nathan belt out the song as if we're auditioning for X Factor safe bet to say it'd be a NO from Simon Cowell. "I didn't even know you sing" I laugh "all the time just music's cheaper than therapy," says Nathan laughing "definitely though I won't lie talking makes things easier but sometimes unlocking that painful memory box in your head vanish for a little while," I say "do you have therapy like?" says Nathan "yeah talk therapy," I say "yeah I have that but think they need to get ass into action not with that whole I know, I know bullshit," says Nathan "I know that mines a decent enough therapist been with her since November last year," I tell Nathan "yeah what are you with?" asks Nathan "a small therapy shop called You And Your Psyche, have one of the most amazing counsellors she's called Simone she's amazing with how she's worked with me," I say "yeah I can believe that my auntie Vicky works with special needs and has fostered kids in the past she's also done a psychology course," Nathan tells me "yeah I get that, Levi wanted to make a difference in life reminds me I might have to give him a phone sometime this week" I say "yeah check up on each other" says Nathan "yeah we um... we do it every week to make sure we're both okay I mean despite my parents being absolute assholes the one thing that they gave me that was the best thing in my life was Levi" I say "yeah I know that sibling love I have it with Julian and with Ruby and us three we'd pretty much help each other out of any situation" says Nathan, from what I can gather about the pair of us is we're both incredibly family orientated which is such a good thing to have in common with each other we're both very loving, protective, caring siblings that if anyone hurt them, we'd hurt the people who hurt them and vise-versa.

"That was Teenage Dirtbag by Wheatus and right now here's some Cee Lo Green with Fuck You" announces the radio producer, the music to the song starts "what times this?" says Nathan looking almost in disbelief that they're playing a radio edited version of the song with the swearing and all that stuff I giggle a little at Nathan's disbelief "come on babe," I say I then start singing along to the lyrics, Nathan's face starts to lighten up with a smile "I see you driving, 'round town with the girl I love and I'm like fuck you-ooh" I sing.

Nathan's POV:

I smile a little at her singing this cheesy as fuck song but at the same time seeing her smile is worth the while as when she steps out of my car I don't know what'll happen so got to enjoy the moment for now as nothing lasts forever does it? Eventually, I join in with the song, Raya takes her phone out, turns it on and has to wait a few seconds before the screen shows the Apple logo on it when the Apple logo vanishes, she puts her passcode in before going onto her Snapchat, I smile still the same lyric is about to come on "Nate come on please" says Raya I eye roll and let out a disbelievable sigh "okay" I sigh, Raya holds her finger down on the recording part and then we begin to sing along to the lyrics, holding up our middle fingers at the "fuck you" line of the song before laughing and Raya looks at the camera before shutting it off. "That's gonna be a good one," says Raya as she saves the video, uploads it to her story, and then puts her phone back in her bag, as we get into the area she's from.

"How long left now?" asks Raya "about 3 minutes at the most," I tell her "okay can we pull here and get some coffee or something?" asks Raya "I haven't got my wallet on me," I say "it's okay I'll pay," says Raya "really," I say "yeah sure and after all, you paid for the takeaway I might as well pay for a coffee or hot chocolate for us both," says Raya "you sure babe?" I say "positive now shush," says Raya, we pull into a petrol station and I park the car before we go inside, when I park up Raya gets out of the car straight away, followed by me and we take a slow walk into the petrol stations shop.

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