Part 58

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Raya's POV:

When Nathan and I got home, I felt strange in my own home, that weird feeling you get after you've finished at a funeral, I just want to run upstairs, take my makeup off, take my outfit off and get into some snuggly, comfortable pyjamas and then just end up sleeping to let the day fade away. 
"I think I'm going to get some pyjamas on," I say "yeah go on then babe," says Nathan, I go upstairs and get ready to change.

Nathan's POV:

I pick up the letters that were on the floor, each one followed "Mollie, Mollie, Mollie again, Mollie" and then I see one with the letters IAM on the letter I look who the letter is addressed to and in a small plastic window reads the name "Ms Raya-Leigh Bennett" I go to the stairs "Raya!" I shout she doesn't hear me so I shout up again "Babe!" "What?!" shouts Raya back to me "come down babe you've got a letter!" I shout, within milliseconds I hear Raya's footsteps as she walks along the hallway, then there are the footsteps that are Raya coming down the first set of steps until she gets to the landing of the stairs and then comes down the last few steps of the stairs, "what's up?" says Raya I hand her the letter "here babe" I say, Raya, takes the letter and begins to open it up.

Raya's POV:

As I open up the message and pull the piece of paper out of the envelope, my heart is pounding like it's going to drop out of my bottom, I slowly open up the piece of paper and scan through the words:

"Dear Raya-Leigh,

We really enjoyed having you as part of our team, and after a meeting with the clients you saw in that fortnight as well as Sarah Morris and James Woodley as well as our other members of the team we have decided that you are perfect for this job, so Congratulations Raya-Leigh Bennett our newest counsellor at Inside a Mind, your timetable will be emailed to you in a few days.

Welcome aboard.

Yours Sincerely Eleanor Grayson"

I sit in a chair with the letter close to my chest, I'm in shock like I have just witnessed a murder before my very eyes, that's when I see Nathan coming over to me "well what did it say?" asks Nathan anxiously "I got it" I whisper with a smile on my lips "you what?" says Nathan "I got the job!" I say, I stand up and Nathan scoops me up in his arms "Oh congratulations babe" says Nathan, he hugs me and spins me around.

So you see this wasn't the prettiest of stories to tell, a lot of myself has been unlearned my trust issues vanished with Nathan, my heart was broken by my own flesh and blood, now I think the plan for the future is to have the happiest life I can lead with Nathan and my auntie/unbiological mum Mollie. I want to be my auntie Mollie's pride, I want to be Levi's strength and have his ability to work the hardest that I can, I want to make Levi the proudest big brother ever even if it isn't in person he'll be there in spirit and that means a lot to me. Finally, I want to spend the best of myself with Nathan and be Nathan's everything, his warmth, his love, his courage, his strength and the perfection that I see behind those pretty, blue eyes, but I think now that the bad has become beautiful and the future will be what I want it to be with the people I love and want most in the world. So Raya-Leigh Bennett what will come next? I guess I'll have to wait and see on that part to get to wherever life will take me next.

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