Part 28

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Raya's POV:

The second we get into my house, there is a big aroma of a good meal "what you made tonight Auntie Mollie?" I ask "I've made shepherd's pie, chips and beans!" says Auntie Mollie from the kitchen "think I made a bit too much", I hang my jacket up and Nathan hangs his jacket up, I take off the shoes that are the same as my denim jacket absolutely soaked "Mollie if you've made too much then it's a good job I bought a friend home," I say "yeah that's fine Raya can you help me with the plates then?" says Auntie Mollie "yeah sure," I say I turn to Nathan "make yourself at home babe take a seat and chill" I smile at Nathan "thanks babe," says Nathan he takes off his shoes as I walk over to the kitchen, once I'm in the kitchen my auntie Mollie turns around with horror on her face "what's up?" I say "you're drenched, Raya," says Auntie Mollie "yeah well..." I say "just get in something warm Raya even if it's your pyjamas," says Auntie Mollie "okay" I sigh and I leave the kitchen.
"What's up?" asks Nathan "I'm just needing to change," I say heading upstairs "okay babe I'll help your Mollie out if you want?" says Nathan "really?" I say "yeah why not?" says Nathan, he pushes himself out of the chair and goes into the kitchen and I watch him do so until I head upstairs.

Nathan's POV:

I walk into this cream and beige coloured kitchen it's really nice the cupboards are grey, it's a really nice kitchen, I see Mollie over the stove "I'm taking it you're Nathan" says Mollie rising from the oven's door with a dish full of shepherds pie "yeah" I say "do you want me to drain the beans?" Mollie smiles at me "yeah go ahead" says Mollie, I take the pan off of the hob and grab the saucepan's lid and take it over to the sink and begin to drain the beans "get a spoon and start spooning it out Nathan" says Mollie "will do" I say, I grab a spoon from the cutlery holder and start to put the beans on the three plates whilst Mollie sorts out the shepherds' pie "so how did you and Raya meet then?" asks Mollie "came into the cafe she works and we started talking I just couldn't stop looking at her I like to admire beautiful people" I say "yeah" says Mollie "you do know she's been through a lot don't you? I won't tell you I'd rather Raya tell you" "yeah I can believe I haven't had it much easier, to be honest, Mollie," I say "yeah I don't know guess we all come from something bad to get something better," says Mollie "yeah maybe," I say "but sometimes and some things can be incredibly damaged and Raya I think... well she's been through a lot," says Mollie "yeah she's told me a bit," I say "well the abusive relationship that, that bastard put her through it's a wonder she's opened her heart," says Mollie "maybe so but I think she's such a good-hearted, decent, sweet, loving girl who's had a bad deal in the cards," I say I always look at life as a game of poker you don't know what hand you're going to get life's a gamble and if you get a lucky deal best hold it proudly if you get a bad deal then you've got to find a way to either hold it against yourself or to find the next best hand otherwise the game is pointless. I carry on helping Mollie until the meal is served.

Raya's POV:

I'm in a tank top, legging-like pyjama bottoms and a black wool cardigan I look in the mirror, feel my drenched hair, before putting on a pair of slippers and heading downstairs.
The second I get downstairs I hear a conversation going on between auntie Mollie and Nathan, I walk over to the kitchen "ready for some food Raya?" asks auntie Mollie "yeah, yeah" I say "well it's almost ready Nathan take a seat I can take both yours and Raya's into the dining room" says auntie Mollie "okay then" says Nathan, he goes to the table and I follow him "so what do you think of my auntie Mollie then?" I ask Nathan "yeah she seems really nice," says Nathan "yeah she's brilliant," I say with a smile "so how did you wind up living with her?" asks Nathan "well she was the only one who fought for me so she's been my saviour in life really and she's my dad's sister but we're very alike in the way we are the way we think and act apparently I have a lot of her mannerisms I could I don't know reach for something or shrug and everyone who knows me and auntie Mollie will be like the way you did this or that just reminded me of Mollie," I say I look at the bowl of wooden balls inside it and begin fiddling with them until Mollie comes out of the kitchen with mine and Nathan's meals, and I stop fiddling with the wooden ball otherwise knowing Mollie she'll be like pack it in even though she knows I have to fiddle about with things.
"Nathan that's yours," says Mollie handing Nathan a plate, Nathan takes the plate "thanks, Mollie," says Nathan as he puts the plate down in front of him before picking up his knife and fork and begins to eat his meal, auntie Mollie passes me my plate of food "thanks," I say taking the plate and putting it down and grabbing my knife and fork and starting to eat, "that's good shepherds pie that Mollie," says Nathan "thank you, Nathan," says Mollie as she comes back from the kitchen with her plate and sits herself down "so how was work Raya?" asks auntie Mollie "it was fine," I say "Curtis is okay" "good, good," says auntie Mollie, "what have you been doing today then Mollie?" asks Nathan "well been busy, ran a few errands today what about you Nathan?" asks Mollie "well been out for a bit, wanted to see Raya again and here I am now" laughs Nathan I smile, "that's so lovely but why were you wet Raya?" says Mollie, I'm in shit here aren't I, inner devil Raya says lie but my inner angel Raya says "woman up and tell the truth" I don't want to lie but this feels like one of those moments where if I tell the truth I am going to get bollocked so what comes out of my mouth is "basically I was having a bad day at work, Curtis was being a bit of a dick and Chloe who has more days off then on came in and I kind of had a right go at her telling her to sort herself out" I say "hold on you've been bunking off together?" says Mollie Nathan and I look at each other almost as if to say whoa is she trying to get intricate details, I turn around from looking at Nathan "we're not having sex" I say "no Raya I mean skipping work together?" says Mollie "yes but you know what I'm like Mollie I was getting stressed and I felt like shit Nathan offered to take me out and we went out for a bit" I say "it's true I was there" says Nathan defending me "right okay Raya I know it's not easy with some of the people you work with" says Mollie "yeah but..." I start before Mollie interrupts my explanation "ah, ah, ah but this job isn't doing you any good I know its money and that but I think either you need to find something else or stick at it and so I think you need to go online after dinner and have a look about online at different jobs" says Mollie, fuck she actually does get it "yeah I know I mean it's been hard from the start as it's not what I wanted to work in any way" I say "yeah I know" says auntie Mollie "so Nathan what do you work as?" "I've actually not got a job as I'm on disability for my schizophrenia but I do own a house only a small thing but it's decent enough," says Nathan "yeah," says Mollie "what about your family?" "my mum died back in 2012 after a long term battle with diabetes, my dad I don't have nothing to do with due to events that I won't talk about here as it seems a lot to place on someone," says Nathan "oh right," says Mollie "any brothers or sisters?" "I have a 30-year-old sister who I don't see, my older brother also 30 called Julian and my younger sister Ruby-Ella," says Nathan "how old is she?" asks Mollie "she's 14 going on 15," says Nathan "does she live with your dad?" asks Mollie "no she doesn't she lives with Julian and Olivia (Livvy) who's Julian's girlfriend," says Nathan "why doesn't she live with your dad?" asks Mollie fuck sake this woman's firing a thousand questions at him like he's in a police interview.

Nathan's POV:

"Well..." I start before pausing until the next line of the story comes out "basically when Ruby was younger my mum and dad were both volatile very violent and very argumentative so Julian said that once he gets settled and everything he was going to get legal guardianship of Ruby and he was granted it I mean yeah it's been a weird fucked up family but that's the way it goes sometimes isn't it?" I shrug, I feel Raya taking my hand, Mollie's face looks sad and concerned "I'm so sorry love" says Mollie "it's okay" I say "listen to me Nathan I know I've only just met you but you ever need anything at all and you're always welcome here" says Mollie "thank you Mollie" I say "you're welcome" says Mollie.
Eventually, the dinners are finished and I feel good it's been nice for the first time being sat at a table not sat in front of the TV eating, having an actual conversation with Raya and Mollie and how they have this incredible bond and Mollie's words are so kind and wise she's really understanding and not at all judgemental over what she thinks I should be it's nice.

"I best get off upstairs to do my job hunting," says Raya "mind if I tag along?" I ask "can he?" asks Raya "yes but keep the door open a crack," says Mollie "okay," says Raya, "okay," I say Raya takes me up to her room.

How The Bad Became BeautifulOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora