Part 9 The Flowerbed

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"Curtis it's Raya," I say "right Nathan's calling Willow a taxi are you bothered about staying out tonight or not?" "I don't think so Raya I'd rather get off you going to be okay?" asks Curtis "honestly..." I say looking over slowly at Nathan "I think I'm in safe hands Curtis" "yeah you with him from earlier?" says Curtis "yeah" I say "thought so I thought he looked familiar anyway I best go get little miss trouble" says Curtis with a little laugh in his voice "good luck" I laugh "okay sweet let me know when the taxi's ready" says Curtis "will do right bye" I say hanging up the phone "have you managed to get a taxi?" "not yet but then again I think taxi drivers have the hardest jobs on Fridays and Saturdays" says Nathan "could say that again" I laugh with a mini eye-roll Nathan smiles just being stood there with him with the streetlights beaming down, my dress arm just blowing "you cold" asks Nathan "no, I'm good thanks though" I say my eyes just flickering his way, a black cab pulls up "you ordered a taxi?" asks the driver "no it's for a friend" I say "let me send them a text" I write down "hey Curtis taxis here x" and send I wait until my phone goes off "you both getting in" asks the driver "no, no we're stopping out for a bit" says Nathan "okay tell your mate to hurry up haven't got all night" says the driver "I've text them" I say a bit agitated by the blokes manner *PING* goes my phone "they're on their way" a minute or two later I see Willow being held up by Curtis, Curtis still looks sober Willow looks as if one of those pricks has spiked her drink with some sleep enticing drug "thanks for this babe" says Curtis "don't thank me thank Nathan" I say Nathan smiles modestly "thanks pal" says Curtis Nathan nods his head and goes over to open the taxi door "there you go guys" says Nathan "thanks again pal" says Curtis "you're welcome" says Nathan "you missus!" says Curtis addressing me "yes" I say "you be safe Nathan look after her" says Curtis with big warning eyes "I will do pal don't you worry" says Nathan "I'll be safe okay just take her yours or drop her off at home" I say "I will do" says Curtis getting in the taxi, shutting the door behind him. They are there for another minute before the taxi sets off "fucking prick" I say as I watch the car drive off "I don't care what religion or what culture he's from who the fuck does he think he's talking to?" "don't get upset Raya not worth it anyway I'm going to turn off my phone," says Nathan "yeah," I say "come on where do you fancy a walk to babe?" asks Nathan "let's see where it takes us," I say.
We walk up the street together passed all the other busy, hectic and noisy nightclubs, we start to take a walk further up the road passed all the parts of the town centre that hardly anyone except the people who live in town go about to get to work on the weekdays. We walk together just talking away until my feet can't take it anymore "Nathan can we just..." I start "you want to take a seat babe, go for it," says Nathan a gentle smile across his lips, behind us a massive, white shining streetlamp we're near a flowerbed a few minutes away from one of the busiest restaurants in town a little steakhouse pub The Big Boy where all your typical, knobby and loud blokes go been there a few times on first dates but it's not my scene, you can see their dimmed entrance lights glowing "tell me what you're thinking," says Nathan sitting down next to me "well I don't know to be honest," I say playing with my hair "talk to me about anything Raya," says Nathan "well I'm just thinking that I want a cigarette but at the same time don't want to spoil the moment, the mood you know," I say "you having a cigarette wouldn't hurt the mood but if your sure you don't need one then I hope you don't mind me having a smoke," says Nathan "no, no go ahead," I say smiling weakly Nathan smiles back, takes a pack of cigarettes from his shirt pocket I notice his tattoo that's in a foreign language "I like your tattoo" I say "you what?" says Nathan with the cigarette pursed between his lips as he grabs his flicker lighter that's golden it colour from what I can see, he takes the top off and presses down on the flint and covers the flame with his hand, before cupping the flame down and putting the lighter back in his shirt pocket, and his fags in his jeans pocket "your tattoo what does it mean?" I ask "that?" says Nathan pointing to his left arm "yeah what's the meaning? and please tell me you're not a member of some terrorist gang" I say Nathan laughs "no Raya I'm not a member of a foreign faction" says Nathan "well it's Arabic for Warrior that was my first tattoo" "yeah" I say "I like it it's different to what other people get I mean my friend Willow she's got love on her wrist" I trace my wrist "you got any tattoos" says Nathan "um I've only got one and that's a dandelion clock blowing in the wind with birds flying" I say "where's that?" asks Nathan I turn around and show him the back of my dress as well as move my hair to the side "don't know if you can see it but..." I say.


I look at Raya's tattoo and I think of so many different meanings the tattoo could mean. The birds flying away made me believe she wanted to be free but from what and why? The dandelion clock blowing away the seeds struck me as if to say that her last wish had blown away in a way I could think of some sad meanings but it's such a pretty and perfect tattoo that you could make up any story about it. Raya "have you finished gawking?" she asks "yeah it's a nice tattoo that babe,"  I say "when did you get that done?" "I got that done two months after an incredibly terrible time like my ex-boyfriend cheated on me and hurt me mentally so that was my way of escape and I went with my best friend Sophia to get that done she drew it all up for me and came with me when I got it done," says Raya "oh right so you've had it rough a lot?" I say sadly "yeah horribly," says Raya "you um you going to carry on smoking that" I had her my cigarette she takes it, inhales the smoke deeply before her pretty lips exhale the smoke out, her eyeshadow dark and smoky like a porn set full of cigarettes, her eyes browner and more beautiful than any masterpiece to ever have been painted including the Sistine Chapel she's so much more than that she's got an unspeakable but sad beauty behind her and she wouldn't even see it if it hit her twice, her lips just luscious and look so kissable and just incredibly perfect, watching her inhale to exhale the last of my cigarette with her lipstick staining the butt she really isn't your typical woman, watching the smoke dance up to her nose wondering how that smoke feels knowing it's going deep into her heart but so far away that her lungs could just wash it out with her scarlet blood (okay this is getting graphic), focusing on her more her skin perfect, creamy, an ivory tone which looked and probably felt so soft, her hair rumbled with curls and the way her outfit complimented her straight, curvacious glory that was her body she's absolutely the most perfect girl I had ever seen in my life "Raya" I say "yeah" says Raya "would... would you be offended if I put my arm around you, you um... look sort of cold" I stutter out.


I am almost in a state of shock to the point that I want to run and run and don't stop running but my legs won't let me move, my body won't let me move and to be honest, I don't want to try I reckon he thinks I've been offended again "no" I say my eyes flutter down, but my eyeballs still see him, his perfectly muscular arm reaching over my shoulder "okay" I hold my head in my hand, and I almost shuddered, I saw Nathan's eyes go so soft if they were toffee they'd have gone to creamy topping as you get on an ice cream sundae with all the trimmings so the marshmallows, the gooey chocolate sauce, with warm brownies or cookie dough (I'm going to stop there otherwise I will crave an ice cream sundae with all that), his face slowly goes into mine I feel shocked inside and really as if my whole body's blushing, he moves slower, steadier until he meets my lips and my lips meet his and we're encircled in this perfect kiss and it feels like there is no one in the world except myself and Nathan, my arm and hand go to the back of his neck and I feel as many as 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 I don't know how many more butterflies but there's a good amount of numbers that are inside my belly fluttering against my heart I feel his hand on my face, my hand plays with his hair feeling every particle of the back of his head, the kiss seems endless and so meaningful that honestly I have never felt this way before, that amount of love off someone who I'd only just met but yet everything feels right in a way.

Nathan's POV: 

I won't lie kissing her felt just the way I thought it would perfect, feeling her fingers run through my hair, feeling of her warmth in my arms as I hold her close to me until we break apart, I take my hand and brush her tiny side fringe and whisper to her "you're the most beautiful girl in the world" I whisper "stop being so fucking perfect" whispers Raya back to me she goes in to kiss me again we kiss and I don't know what it is about her but the feeling she gives me in my stone-cold soul it's like a warm glow which surrounds her and it makes me want to be here and look after her forever. 
When we break apart "you had any tea babe?" I ask "no," says Raya "come on let's grab a bite to eat," I say getting up, I hold out my hand, she takes it and gets up and we take a walk to a takeaway.

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