Part 14 The Raggedy-Ass Cat

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Nathan's POV: 

When the alarm goes off for the toasties, I have to get up and break this perfect kiss which is so wrong but who likes burnt toasties? 
I get up and get some small plates, I take the toasties out of the sandwich maker when I see something in the window through the blinds "oh my little friends back" I say, Raya comes into the kitchen "what little friend?" asks Raya, I point at the window "aww my god what a cutie" says Raya "yeah" I say "eat your toastie then if you want we can go out and have a few minutes with him" "yeah okay then" says Raya "okay then" I say I put the toastie on the plate "that's yours" "thank you Nate" says Raya "it's okay" I say I then go to put my toastie on the plate and join Raya in the living room we sit together eating our toasties and the television blaring out with The End of The F***ing World's music and talking of the characters playing in the background we sit there eating these toasties and all I can think is this girl knows her stuff when it comes to making food as these toasties are spot on "so do you make other food?" I ask "yeah I can do chillis and curries, as well as spaghetti my auntie Mollie says I'm better than her at cooking which makes me laugh I get worried people won't eat my cooking after I've made it," says Raya a laugh at the end of her words "well honestly it's a good tasting where did you get the mix of cheese, ham and tomatoes from?" I ask "well it was kind of a favourite tea of mine and Levi's before Levi left home at 19 and Levi used to make them because when your mums too busy being a selfish cunt and your dads too pissed up on booze to the point you never knew if he'd be asleep or if he'd be aggressive over an argument with my mother or due to drink so he'd make the tea even if it was just a toastie he wouldn't of let me or himself go hungry" says Raya "that's so sad" I say "it is but it is what it is isn't it really so we had to like it or lump it so" says Raya she takes a bite of her toastie "what do you think to adding butter to the outside to make it crispier?" I ask "it's actually really good" says Raya her mouth semi-full "yeah" I say "what about you do you have any sad comfort foods?" asks Raya "yeah but it's a bit childish" I say "what do you mean childish if it's one I'd go for its not that sad" says Raya "turkey dinosaurs and chips with a ton of tomato ketchup" I say "no being funny but I'd go for that" says Raya "I also think the childhood loves can also be better than a cigarette" "yeah they are" I say.
A few minutes later the toasties are in our stomachs and I take the plates into the kitchen sink that raggedy-ass cat's still there "Raya you know that cat's still out there" I call "is it?" says Raya, getting up from the settee and seeing it through the window "aww hello gorgeous", she goes to the backdoor "my keys should be in the front door" I say going to the front door and sure enough the keys are there, I pull them out of the door and go to Raya who's stood at the back door when she sees the cat straight up she goes completely broody "hey up beautiful" says Raya a big, cute smile shines across her face the cat meows at her as she walks over to this beautiful black cat.

This black cat is just the sweetest little thing ever since I lost Loki a few years back, Loki was the most amazing dog ever he was a labrador that Ruby was giving for her birthday by Julian as Julian's girlfriend at the time was allergic to dogs like straight-up allergic so Ruby had full ownership and I and Ruby used to take Loki for walks at the top of Ashtown top where we used to go all the time it was the type of area where you could go let things go just the view of the whole town at the top made the journey there worth it every time the best part of being there was the fact that I had my own special area that was a rock on the left-hand side of the journey which was like a getaway I remember finding this rock about 2 months after being out of hospital it was a January night, I remember leaving the family home at 6.00 pm and just had some time to myself to take a walk, walk up to the top and there I found a rock with a lonely Chestnut tree next to it and it was just the right place to be at the time of what had happened to me the previous 2 months, but enough about that we ended up losing Loki and Ruby and myself were absolutely devasted sitting there, holding his paw until the injection stopped his heart was the  worst thing ever and in a way I think this cat comes due to
Point A. He knows he'll get fed and petted 
And Point B. Maybe he's as lonely as I am sometimes and the saying goes misery loves company so in a way maybe this cat knows hardship.
But watching Raya and this cat together I think he'll be coming back whenever he wants as he seems happy whenever he gets petted I watch as Raya fusses him from his ears to his tail standing erect in the air such happy cat "aww Nate do you know if it has an owner?" asks Raya "no babe I know it's got a flea collar though" I say pointing at the blue-collar around his neck "aww poor baby" says Raya her head on her arm as she carries on fussing the cat, "but to me, it's like you don't take off their collar you keep their actually collar on as well as the flea one" "I know that babe" I say "yeah babe it's just neglectful and laziness even with my Auntie Mollie's dog Coco she's a German Shepard my auntie Mollie would never put a flea collar on her and not put on her actual collar on her" says Raya "I get that it was the same with Loki" I say "Loki what was he?" asks Raya "there's a photo of him on the mantlepiece" I say "yeah" says Raya "yeah he was a labrador that me and Ruby had" I say "who's Ruby?" asks Raya "she's not my ex babe she's my sister" I say I then start noticing the cat's started batting his paw on Raya, Raya shudders and moves her hand away "babe don't worry he's not scratched you he did that to me when he first come in my garden and Jordan video recorded it" I say "it's ok it's just I've had a cat stratch me before so" says Raya  "yeah they are really sensitive" I tell her "anyway babe I've got to head in and take my antidepressents" "shit I need mine too" says Raya "oh damn do you mind waiting til I get a shower and get dressed and then I'll give you a ride home" I say "sure that's fine Nate" says Raya and we head back inside.

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