Authors Note and Dedications

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I first started to write this story at the end of September to now and I do have a hell of a lot of emotions but first I want to give some thanks to the people who helped me to create this story.

First of all, I'd like to thank my mum for being there on the toughest of days whilst I was writing this story I did have a few weeks where I withdrew from writing as some days I couldn't muster up the strength or concentration to focus, and every emotional blip I had whilst writing this story has been helped greatly by my mum who has encouraged and pushed me to go straight to the end.

My Grandma, for asking since the beginning of me writing this story "haven't you finished the story yet?" every time I entered her house and as I told her "Rome was not built in a day and neither was the Sistene Chapel it took Michelangelo, days, weeks and months to paint" but yet again another encouragement that pushed me all the way to the end but you cannot rush art.

Liam Stones, my cousin, from the day I first handed him the first few parts of How The Bad Became Beautiful, he praised my vocabulary, my ability of how the story was written and made me want to carry on with the story and not just start something that wasn't going to be finished so thanks Liam for believing in me and giving me that follow through to the end.

I couldn't have done this story without two women who treat me like a member of their own family and so I would like to thank my best friend Hollie Allen and her mother, Jody Allen. Hollie in a few words you are the best friend/sister-I-never-had ever and thanks for being there when things got tough and being someone to talk to. Jody well thanks for trying to read this story.

And finally one person I want to give a huge, massive thank you to and my inspiration for this story, of course, the love of my life Jack Thomas Keenan, thank you for being my inspiration, the love of my life. This one is for you babe love and miss you loads xx 

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