Part 32 Beginning of The Date

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Raya's POV: 

As I sit on the bus so many thoughts are running through my head right now, what if this date goes disastrously bad? what if we don't get on after this? what if this and what if that, no Raya you can't think like that just enjoy every moment as nothing lasts forever. I watch as the world goes by through the houses, to the next villages to finally getting off at the bus station my phone pings, "Raya where are you? XXXX" says the text from Nathan I begin to text a message back to Nathan "just in the bus station coming up now XXXX" says my message, I hit send and take the small walk into the mall and head up the escalator until I'm at the top step.

When I get to the top step of the escalator, I begin the short walk to the pub when I begin to hear my phone ring, I pull my phone out of my bag and answer the phone "Hey babe where are you?" asks Nathan's voice on the line "I'm just near the food court aisle of town where are you?" I say "just coming through the high street shops I'm just coming up to Primark now," says Nathan "okay I'll meet you near the end of Burger King next door to The Horse and Jock pub," I say, "Okay babe I'll be there shortly," says Nathan  "okay I'll see you soon," I say and I carry on walking until I get to the Horse and Jock pub and there next to this gorgeous racehorse on hindlegs and his steel tail swooshed to the left side of the backside it's a really beautiful looking statue, to be honest, so I stand there and wait next to the statue until I see a glimpse of Nathan.

Nathan's POV: 

I carry on walking, I feel nervous as hell as I take another step forward to the Horse and Jock Pub and every footstep gets slower and heavier as time goes on until I finally get out of the high street section of the mall and then I start making my way to the food court why do they make this mall so big and why's it got 3 floors one for fine dining so your Harvester, TGIF, Frankie's and Benny's and other big-name restaurants, then the second floor you've got one pub, a Burger King, a KFC, Nandos, Mcdonalds and Panda Gardens Chinese Restaurant and it can't be that good otherwise you'd see Chinese and Singaporean people eating there then it's followed by all your high street shops, so your USC, Jack and Jones, The Box, TopShop/Man, Rag and Bone to Primark and various other shops, then the last tier is Poundland, a small coffee shop, Starbucks, Costas and a few unknown shops along with a lonely TK Maxx just wedged in next to a shitty wilkos and they're two of the biggest shops, anyway enough about that I am almost at the start of the food court.

I carry on walking down my heads down until I see Raya next to a statue of a horse, I carry on walking over and the second I am almost at Raya I can't stop myself from running over nearly and giving her the biggest, warmest cuddle ever "hey you alright" says Raya a gigantic smile all over her face "I'm better now" I say, we break off the embrace and Raya says "should we get a few drinks before we have something to eat?" "yeah," I say I take Raya's hand and we go into the bar.

"You look nice," says Raya "you look absolutely stunningly beautiful Raya-Sunshine," I say I feel her fingers interlocked with mine "thank you shame Auntie Mollie almost drowned me in perfume" laughs Raya I laugh along "yeah what is that?" I ask "Pulse by Beyonce and fuck my life did she spray it rapidly like she didn't care how expensive it is," says Raya "bless so where should we sit?" I ask "well why don't we get a drink at the bar and then decide where to sit?" says Raya "that's a good idea," I say "I'll pay for the food and the first round of drinks" "you sure?" says Raya again reminding me that she has an independent streak to her "yeah well it's our first date so," I say "yeah I get that," says Raya.

Raya's POV:

I actually can't believe that he wants to pay for me this isn't normal as when I've been out with guys since Connor I've always paid separately and the guys always persistent that I keep my purse in my bag but that doesn't feel the case with Nathan it's like he doesn't mind paying "so are you okay with me paying today or are you gonna throw a Bitch Fit?" says Nathan jokingly, I look at him with fake anger, raise my finger at him "don't push me Nate" I laugh Nathan laughs "haha funny" says Nathan almost sarcastically and then we go up to the bar, "hiya have you both got any ID on you before we serve you any drinks?" says the brunette barmaid "yeah sure" Nathan and I say in unison, I go in my bag, Nathan goes in his pocket and pulls out his wallet, before pulling out his ID, I grab my purse and pull out my ID from my purse and hand it to the barmaid "yeah that's fine what can I get you?" says the barmaid handing me back my ID "Koppaberg Strawberry and Lime please" I say "hold on" says Nathan he hands his ID over "yeah that's fine" says the barmaid she hands his back "so what you having love?" "can I get a Coors Lite please?" says Nathan "yeah certainly," says the barmaid "want a glass and ice with the Koppaberg?" "err please," I say the barmaid starts to get a bottle of Koppaberg Strawberry and Lime as well as a glass and starts to put mini ice cubes into my glass and hands me the glass and the bottle of Koppaberg "thanks love," I say, the barmaid then pulls the pint of Coors Lite when she's done pulling the beer "that'll be £4.20 please," says the barmaid Nathan pulls out a £5 note and hands it to the barmaid, gets his change and we go and find somewhere to sit.

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