Part 40

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Raya's POV:

When I get back up to my bedroom after going to greet Nathan at the door, I go to grab my phone to see if there's a message or a phone call and I see one text Levi-Voicemail "oh god" is the first thing I say "what's up?" asks Nathan as he stands over me in his cute, protective way "it's our Levi" I say "I've got to phone him" I instantly ring his number "Levi hello what's up?" "Raya you're right again I can't explain it all over the phone Mum's gotten worse," says Levi "doesn't surprise me," I say "and Dad's the same asshole he always was and that stupid cow Sandra is as vile as ever," says Levi "well that doesn't surprise me either as they are vile but what about the kids our Natalia and Lucas?" I say "yeah their good saw a lot of Lucas nothing of Natalia though," says Levi "oh bless," I say my eyes look down at the thought of the little brother and sister I let down "I don't want to talk about it Raya I just want auntie Mollie to pick me up," says Levi a shake in his voice "okay I'll tell her, see you soon anyway," I say "you too Raya," says Levi the line disconnects, my head goes into my hands.

Nathan's POV:

Seeing Raya's hands cover her face, I get up and put my arms around her near the bay window "your Levi alright?" I whisper "I don't know, knowing what Mum and Dad are like they've both got issues and they don't admit their issues," says Raya, she sniffs up "he just said he wants Mollie to pick him up and he doesn't want to talk about what's happened" "yeah," I say, just the only thing I want to feel is Raya melted in my arms and sometimes it's easier to just hold her and slowly try and mend her broken heart and soul. 

"I just don't know Nate as whatever's happened I'll never forgive any of them," says Raya, she takes my arms from around her shoulders and turns around so my arms and hands fall around her waist like a soft, warm ring of comfort "our dad had two more kids with the woman he's with now Sandra and she is vile, I don't get to see anything of them as Dad and Sandra have only allowed me to see those children once and that was when they were first born but Levi" her eyes fill up "yeah..." I say "Levi's been allowed to and that fucking kills," says Raya "Raya Julian went through hell and back to get custody of Ruby and it killed him, yeah but if Julian hadn't have fought like he did Dad would have ruined her life like he tried to do ours," I say "I wish it was like that but Sandra is like the master of manipulation and she's every bit as vile as my dad," says Raya "anyway I best go and shout Mollie" "okay," I say my arms let go of Raya as she goes to shout for Mollie, I stand there and watch as she walks out the bedroom and as her voice in a short distance shouts "Mollie!".

Raya's POV:

Mollie hears my shout and comes to the stairs "what's up love?" asks Mollie "Levi's at Dad's and he's wanting to be picked up" I say "okay do you want to wait here or do you want to come with?" offers Mollie "I'd rather wait here as if that vile woman sees me she'll have my guts for garters" I say "Sandra" says Mollie "yeah" I say "she's as forgettable as your mother I didn't like her much either than again that's Ray's partners forgettable" says Mollie she shakes her head and goes away to get some shoes on and her keys ready.

About a minute or two later I hear Mollie's voice again "right I'm off to get Levi Raya!" "alright Mollie love you" I shout "love you too" shouts Mollie back and that's when I hear the door shut and lock, luckily I haven't told Mollie the whole of the goings off but I think it's better that way.

I just want to wait here with Nathan rather than go in that car and want to lynch my dad, as my dad can be the biggest asshole imaginable and all three mixed together is a toxic concoction and the thought of them makes me belly do somersaults, I go over on to my bed and just lie back "thought you'd have gone with her, to be honest" says Nathan, as he comes over to me and takes a seat on the bed next to me "oh Nate I'd rather not Sandra's an asshole and her and my dad, are a perfect pairing" I say my fingertips massaging away the headache the lot of them give me is worse than having a migraine, like imagine having a migraine for almost a month and that disgusting taste in your mouth like the kind you get after you throw up but throwing up like continuously.

This is where I look at my parents and then I look at the relationship I had with Connor, Connor and my dad are very similar characters my dad had the gift of the gab as did Connor the way they could charm a singing bird to come down to a tree just so they could snap its neck or as the police put it the frying frog theory which goes: if you put a frog in boiling, scalding hot water the frog will sense danger and hop out, but if you put the frog in lukewarm water and you slowly turn the stove up little by little the frog will boil alive. And that's exactly what Raymond Bennett did to Sally and what Connor Parker did to me. 

But I think mainly the thing with Connor was due to you are a subject of your situation so if you come from a good home and mum and dad get on and show love in their household and out and about then that's what you're going to have later in life but if you come from the background Levi and I share where mum and dad don't get on and there were violence and substance abuse and shit like that you're going to go later on in life and fall in love with an abusive man or woman as I said a subject of your situation.

"Raya I wish I knew what to say, babe," says Nathan "I know it's just the parents I have had have put me and Levi through hell babe as they did themselves," I say I start to get up and sit on the bed and put my hands together before looking at Nathan "I used to wonder why birds could fly away for the winter I know its migration and it's natural but I used to think it was due to they'd had enough of the bullshit" "but that's not the case," says Nathan "I know but there were times where if I could have been anything I'd have flown away every season possible if it meant being away from that," I said "yeah but Raya think of everything you've got babe Mollie, me, your friends, Levi and sometimes deciding to stay isn't always the easiest thing sometimes it's the hardest," says Nathan I nod my head slowly, my head sinks into my neck as I look down, Nathan's thumb and index finger brings my chin up slowly "Nate" I whisper "don't say, nothing babe," says Nathan as he goes into my face, his velvety lips got me under the same magical spell that they always do, he's bloody perfect.

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