Part 31 Getting Ready For a Date

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Nathan's POV:

It's the day of my date with Raya and I won't lie I'm bricking it, but at the same time there's the extreme excitement that also comes with any date, but this is different, it starts with me getting dried and dressed after a shower, I put on my boxers, grab a pair of socks and put them on my feet, before looking in my drawers for a good pair of jeans, I then proceed to put on my jeans, zipping my jeans up to the button until the button is wrapped in the hole. I finally get the decision made of what tee-shirt to wear and I choose a grey and blue smokey print tee-shirt, I throw the tee-shirt over my naked torso and begin to look in the mirror, looking at myself I always wonder why my hair dries in so many weird ways as some days it goes so naturally nice and will sit right on my head and the next day it's wavier than ever and it needs some hair wax, and today of all days is the day it's a wavy day (damn it). I grab a tub that's on my side table and begin to rub the hair wax into my hand before I put the wax to my hair and begin to stylize it more and let it go the way I want it to go when it's finally set right I start to look for my stuff keys, wallet, phone and shoes, I slip on a pair of Vans Era that is black and I pull my phone from my pocket and begin to send Raya a message "ready now I'll be in town by 1 pm xxx" I send the text, get in my car and begin to play the radio station me and Raya listen to, "Now here's some Panic! At The Disco and High Hopes" says the radio presenter "what a tune" I say to myself as I do Raya's usual thing of turning up the radio to a high volume probably about a 6 or 7 as I drive to town.

Raya's POV: 

I've only just come out of the shower, I wrap myself in a towel before going back into my room and grabbing some moisturizer for my legs, my phone for music as for some strange reason I can't go one day without listening to music but then again I think music can get you through whatever you're going through, just an example when I broke up with Connor the song that related to me more than anything was Beyonce and Best Thing I Never Had as it just struck a chord with me that said everything that happened with Connor, the way I thought he did everything right when really he was a wrong un and after losing the baby I finally saw his true colours of what sort of evil, narcissistic, heartless bastard he was and the way he tried and still tries to this day to come and ruin my life when he couldn't do any more damage than what had already been done, but today I don't even want to think about that I want to think about happier occasions, I begin to do my hair into a messy ponytail as I always think messy ponytails look really cute on first dates, I won't lie I'm a little nervous about this date I mean yeah I know me and Nathan have had several mini dates in the last few days but this is a bigger thing, then just a mini date/friendship dates but this is really real, I grab a magenta bra and black panties not like we're going to end up shagging like but for that sexy feeling, I begin to slip on the bra, then the black panties come over my naked bottom half, the towel falls to the floor as I look at my half naked body in the mirror but this time I'm not critical or unhappy I'm seeing someone who wants to see me for me who has seen me, without makeup and doesn't think I look atrociously unattractive, someone who isn't judging of my weight and makeup the way he used to do the way when I went to a family do whilst he was too busy looking at skinny, leggy perfectly madeup beauties in a boxing ring which made me insecure and I was just a ploy or a bit on the side as if he'd have had the chance to have a one night stand he'd have done it every time.

I start to put on my cami-vest top until I feel the chiffon drape around my belly, I then proceed to put on my ripped jeans but also having my toes decided to go through the holes of my ripped jeans, oh the joys of owning ripped jeans when I finally get my ripped jeans on I zip up the zipper and button them before looking at my whole outfit in the mirror, I think to myself what a transformation but I'm not nearly ready yet, I go over to my dressing table and begin to get out my makeup.

One drawer for the foundation which is always a start, then there's the eyeshadow and eyeliner, followed by mascara and lipstick and lipliner, I sit down after getting the basic makeup out, I begin to rub in my foundation blending it with a brush when the thick spots of the foundation are on my cheeks, chin, forehead and nose and I feel the brush stroking and blending the foundation into the skin on my face each brushstroke as I listen to this new cheesy-ish song that I honestly like comes on the beat starts to kick in and I smile as this song is so relative to the situation with Nathan the song Head and Heart Joel Corry what a bloke, the lyrics "thinking things I've never thought, doing things I've never done" yeah this must have been written about something I never thought I'd have had, I finish the foundation and start to focus on my eyeshadow, I think brown sultry yet sexy and natural, I grab an eyeshadow brush and pick an auburny-brown shade, I circle the colour three or four times to get as much on the brush as necessary, blow off the excess powder-pigment and raise the brush to my eyelid, I run the brush over 2 or 3 times to get just the right amount on one eyelid, then repeat the same routine on the other eyelid and check that it's done to perfection, I then take a bigger eyeshadow blender brush and put a black contrast to give it that smokey effect that I like, I run the brush over several times when the first eyelid is done the same is repeated on my other eye nice and smokey, using a bigger blending brush to blend the whole smokey eye look until I look good enough to date myself, then following the dark eyeshadow comes my mascara Falsies, I run the mascara wand over my eyelashes 3 times, taking a blink at each brush, before moving onto the next and again the same routine mascara, blink, mascara and blink and once more for good luck, then next I get my Millie Bobbi Brown lipstick, number 4 Deep Desire, but first a dark lipliner I trace all over my lips sort of look like some horrifying circus clown when I've only got the liner on until I twist the bottom of the lipstick up and coat it all over my lips using a makeup wipe to get off any mess that the has been left by the makeup, I then grab from a jewellery box a chunky chain that reads "Love" on it I put the necklace on and admire the way it fits around my neck, yeah I look good, I then grab my phone and take a quick selfie and send it to Nathan with the caption "ready Freddy xx" I hit send and go to get on these cute hiker heeled boots on, I slip my feet in the boots before lacing them up and going up to the mirror, I look at myself in the mirror and I feel like I could take on the world, I mean yes I know clothes don't make the person and neither does the makeup but I feel beautiful, attractive and the insecurity has been washed out like a tide washes out the sand upon the shore, I feel almost picture perfect, like the holy grail untouchable and I haven't ever felt like this in years "Raya you ready!" shouts my auntie Mollie from downstairs "yeah nearly!" I shout back I take my leather jacket and slide it on each arm, give it a shake like I'm a member of the T-Birds from Grease, I have my bag almost ready with my phone, wallet just need the lipstick and I'll be on my way, I walk over to my dressing table, grab my desire lipstick and put it in my bag, I take my phone and take a selfie in the mirror, my right leg crossed over my left, my head perfectly straight and my phone in my fingers, the handbag over my shoulder, I take the photo and save it before writing on the Snapchat caption box "Date today with the sassy emoji next to it" and I upload it to my story before heading downstairs.

When I get downstairs I am greeted by my Auntie Mollie "Raya-Leigh Bennett you're beautiful" says auntie Mollie with a big smile on her face "thanks auntie Mollie" I say smiling back "you look amazing Nathan's not going to know what hit him today" says auntie Mollie her face is lit up like billions of candles have been brought from all over the world and been spread all over Mollie's face it is one of the most ravishing sights I've seen in years since Connor-gate "Raya before you go have you got deodorant on?" says Mollie I eye roll, "yes obviously" I say "hold on just one last Auntie Mollie touch" says Mollie and she goes into a drawer and pulls out a bottle of perfume, Pulse by Beyonce and spritzes the perfume around my neck, top of my chest and all over my leather-covered arms the perfume almost makes me choke a bit "bloody hell I don't need to wear that much" I say, hacking a bit "okay sorry darling anyway get off and go and wow Nathan" says Mollie a smile, "I will" I say a smile back at her before throwing my arms around her and hugging her "love you" says Mollie when we break the hug "I love you too" I say before taking a turn out of the door and heading for the bus.

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