Part 41 "Promise Me"

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Mollie's POV:

As I drive up to Bucks Drive to pick up our Levi I can only imagine what's happened before I arrive, I turn the corner and down the road, I go until I see 76-78 Bucks Drive and Sandra's perfect house and Levi stood there in his dark jacket and jeans alongside his small black suitcase by his side, I wind down the window "Levi you alright?" I ask Levi shakes his head "I don't think I've got a mum and dad anymore auntie Mollie" says Levi "what do you mean?" I ask again "can I put my suitcase in the car?" asks Levi "sure," I say a gentle smile over my lips, Levi attempts a smile as he puts his suitcase in the back seat of the car, which he shuts before climbing into the passenger seat beside me "what's happened?" I ask when he gets into the car Levi shakes his head and sniffs up, "Mum's on drugs" says Levi "doesn't surprise me as she's highly dependent on different substances whether it's booze or drugs" I say "I know" says Levi "and Dad and Sandra are the same bastards they always have been" "language!" I exclaim "sorry Auntie Mollie," says Levi "but they are seriously the same old leopards don't change their spots do they?" "not really what's actually happened though?" I push him for the truth, not just the same old shrug "basically Mum's slagged off Raya but that's no surprise" says Levi "what's she said about Raya?" I ask demanding Levi to tell me "I daren't tell you Mollie as you'll go and smash her teeth in," says Levi "no I won't I just want to know what she's said" I reassure him "basically just called her a bitch" says Levi "right she's disgusting and I tell you what Levi you and Raya aren't her kids as you're both better than that scum and I'm proud to have you and Raya I don't look at you two and see Sally and Ray I look at you two and think my kids," I tell Levi, Levi almost fills up with tears "I've missed it here so much that I remember why I went uni in the first place," says Levi "I know and just a moment or two with your parents and you're like this," I say I shake my head "I don't know".

"But Mum's on fet you do know that don't you," says Levi "no I didn't but it doesn't surprise me think last time I saw your mum she was drinking bottle after bottle of wine and when she can't afford for booze she'll go to drugs to fill the hole that she's created," I say "doesn't change" "I know Dad's the same he treats Sandra like she's scum they argue as much as he did when he was with mum, treats her like a skivvy," says Levi "and he slagged off what I'm doing at uni" "why?" I ask "because of being a care assistant and he says that's what gays do it's only gays that do jobs like that" says Levi, "hold on a minute...what?" I say, I park the car and get out "no auntie Mollie don't," says Levi, I shut the door and go up the pathway.

When I get up the pathway I immediately bang on the door, "oh not her" says Sandra "for fuck's sake" says Ray, the door opens up and it's Ray "right Ray what the hell are you doing?" I say "oh for fuck sake" repeats Ray as he steps out of the house and shuts the door behind him "what are you doing here Mollie?" "I've come to pick up the son you don't want," I say "oh for fucks sake" moans Ray this is getting almost monotone here "shut up with the monotone Ray heard it 3 times today now," I say "you know Sandra doesn't like you or Levi," says Ray stating facts I already know "I know she doesn't this isn't about me this is about you putting that shitty woman before your kids," I tell Ray "oy, oy little Mollie's finally got a voice took you long enough" taunts Ray "oh shut the fuck up Ray I do everything for your fucking kids, I'm the reason that young lads at university working hard which is more than I can say for you," I say "mmm," says Ray "and that daughter of yours she got a job you didn't even wish her luck or congratulate her, she came to me at 13 to get as far away as she could get" I state "oh fuck off with the history lesson Sally's as much to blame as I am" says Ray "yeah even she couldn't protect them kids too busy arguing with you to make sure her kids were fucking safe" I snap "the fucking history lessons should be a way to look at yourself as you're a terrible man, terrible father and a disgrace as a brother" I say "oh shut the fuck up" moans Ray "and that sissy son of yours is 100 times the man you'll ever be" I say "yeah wiping old ass for a living that's gay" says Ray "well when you can't go to the toilet and need someone to wipe your ass then don't be calling on him as I'll stand by your two kids no matter fucking what" I say Ray shrugs "right are we done here?" asks Ray "yeah, yeah we bloody well are" I say I turn around and walk back, I know Ray will never once wake up and see the error of his ways but this is how Ray is and nothing anyone can do will change it.

I get back in the car "bloody hell thought you were battering Sandra" says Levi as I get back in "no she's not covered in blood but I gave your dad a good thorough talking to" I say "listen to me auntie Mollie I know you're not one to keep secrets and I know you'd never hide owt from Raya but I must ask you to as Raya hears what's happened and she'll freak I know she will" says Levi "Levi I can't lie to Raya as she will push if she thinks somethings wrong" I say "please auntie Mollie she can't find out" says Levi, I inhale and exhale before Levi keeps begging, pleading almost for me not to tell Raya anything about what happened with Sally or Ray "Levi ok I will and I don't want to do this but I will" I say "promise me" says Levi "I promise" I say, I start the engine up and start to drive out of Bucks Drive.

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