1) An Introduction

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All of Japan was glued to their TV screens watching in horror as their number one hero had taken so much damage physically and emotionally that he couldn't even manage to put on his signature smile. The one thing that made everyone feel safe. Their very own symbol of peace was breaking in front of their eyes, he was going to die.

    All For One's fist had locked with All Mights and being unable to overpower his enemy All Might began getting pushed back the concrete moving underneath him as neither dared to surrender to the other. The lock of their fists was so strong the ground below them broke under the pressure.

    "It's embarrassing how much you're resisting."

    "I won't-"

    "Perhaps I was wrong."

     "I refuse to die!" All Might declared, shifted his power into his left hand punching All For One in the face. Even at his weakest the blow was still strong enough to change the wind pressure. Debris flew back and Gran Torino shielded himself with his arm from it while also trying not to be taken by the wind.

    "A clever trick, that's so unlike you," All For One said, pulling back his arm amplifying whatever power he had in it as his arm grew ten times in size. "Still weak though!"

    There was a small moment in between what happened next leaving All For One distracted. In real-time you probably wouldn't be able to catch it but this wasn't real-time, it was hers. There was no need to stop it completely, no all she needed was this millionth of a second to turn into one.

What to say, what to say? She thought, but just as he taught her actions spoke louder than words. She came into his view and his attention drew over towards her and she simply stared at him with eyes full of hatred, The silence was deafening. She only held it for a second but that was all she needed, all he needed, to win.

    "That's because I didn't put my back into it that time!" All Might screamed as she began to walk away.

She didn't feel the need to look; she already knew what was happening. The impact was loud and she knew All Might put everything he had into his last punch. All of it. "United States of Smash!" The change in wind pressure was so strong if you didn't know better you would have thought it was a tornado but still it only amounted to a small breeze against her back, she smirked to herself before she actually looked around her. There was a helicopter above her and it struggled to steady itself in the strong wind still coming from All Might. She looked back at him seeing him still standing while All For One was down for the count. He was fine and she no longer needed to worry about him, so she turned her attention back to the helicopter which was still struggling. She groaned wanting to help but she needed a way to not draw any attention to her.

"Slow." She whispered into the air as her palms were placed underneath the helicopter trying to concentrate on that one area. The wind began to die down and the helicopter began to steady. By the time the reporters in the helicopter gathered themselves and began to wonder who had just saved them she was already gone. All attention went back to All Might seconds later and they brushed off the 'save' as nothing.

"We should go and find the others," Yayorozu said, turned to Todoroki who still looked at the TV despite the fight being over. "Todoroki?"

"Did you see that?"

"See what."

"I swear there was this girl. I think she saved a helicopter from crashing but I'm not sure how."

"How could she have done that when no one else could even stand up straight in that close of a proximity?"

"I'm not-"

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