13) Infiltration

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Tamaki, Nejire, Mirio, Uraraka, Kirishima, Tsu, and Midoriya were all sitting at a table in silence as they all were still trying to process what happened in the meeting.

"Is this a funeral or something?" Mr. Aizawa asked as he stepped out of the elevator with Stasia not too far behind him.

"Mr. Aizawa, hello sir."

"Call me Eraser Head outside of school. You know it's just my luck, before you got involved in this I was going to recommend that your work-studies be suspended."

"What? Why would you do that?" Kirishima questioned.

"You were listening when he said the League of Villains were involved right. That changes things."

"At least now I have an in," Stasia said, finally speaking up.


"I've arranged a meeting with Shigiraki,"

"What? Stasia you can't do that." Tamaki objected,  head lifted up to make eye contact.

"I can. He'll probably think I've come back to my senses and returned to my roots. He'll send me to Overhaul's base so I can keep watch on everything for him and Overhaul seems to notice power over loyalty so he might not mind. I'll get to Eri that way."

"That's too dangerous!" Mirio said.

"He's right." Midoriya agreed.

"I'll be fine. Plus you don't have the right to worry, you were supposed to save her the first time. You failed, I don't."

"Maybe that was a little too harsh-"

"Whatever, I have bigger things to worry about than your emotions." She said before she walked out of the building and Aizawa traced her every step.

"Forgive her, there's a lot you don't know about her past that made her lash out like that. It's not my place to tell you but it'll make sense when you know."

"Did you really agree to let her go?" Tamaki questioned now looking back down to the floor.

"No, but that didn't matter. There was no stopping her."


Stasia was in a rundown diner sitting across the table from Shigiraki who laughed under his breath.

"What's so funny?"

"I always knew you would come back."

"No, you just always hoped I would. How about let's cut to the chase, yeah? Your lineup of villains is weak and it's only getting worse as time goes on. Without All For One you don't know what to do, do you?" Silence. "You need me, whether you want to admit it or not."

"You talk big for someone who wasn't even the strongest experiment." She didn't want to admit but that stung more than it should have.

"Yeah well I'm the only one who's not dead, aren't I? Speaking of you talk as if I didn't make your master's eyes explode out of his head." The atmosphere completely changed and the rivalry they had when they were younger revealed itself again as Stasia reminded him of her dominance over him. "You remember that don't you? Cause I remember how loud you screamed, damn you were so annoying. It was so tempting not to do you next." All, while she spoke her left fist, itched to close and Shigiraki watched her closely. When she finally closed it he flinched. "Don't be an idiot Misery doesn't work like that."

"You were always such a tease with your quirks, weren't you. All those powers wasted on someone who's afraid to use them. I've seen you on TV you only use hidden quirks don't you, ones that don't draw too much attention? What was All Might's idea? Or was it Eraser Head. I bet you stop everything whenever- ahhh!"

"Shhh, you're always so loud." Stasia groaned as Shigiraki grasped desperately at his head trying to make the pain stop. "Look to your left." He still squirmed in pain but that only made her want to turn up the intensity. "Shut up and look to your left." He finally obliged and she smirked. "Now to your right." He did so again then turned back towards her. "Where do you see a hero that's gonna stop me now?"

She followed Shigaraki for fifteen minutes as he took her to the new hideout. He still rubbed his head as they climbed the stairs and only while he wasn't looking was she allowed to feel guilt. They finally got to the right floor and he opened the door and she walked in behind him. Everyone in the room jumped including a blonde girl who felt it was necessary to pull out a knife.

"Who the hell is she?" Before she could process anything she found herself on the floor with Stasia's foot holding her down.

"I'm the experiment. Now, who the fuck are you?"

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