64) Suspicion

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All Might was convinced to call Stasia out of class, for 'important matters' but once they were seated in the teacher's lounge, she pulled out her phone and remained on it for five minutes.


    "Oh right," she said, now reminded of his presence, and set her phone down. She began to rub her hands together then snapped a spark of lightning, and it was the usual color, purple.

    "What was that for-"

    "Not done." She did it again but this time, red, and again and blue.

    "I- how did you do that? Did my advice-"

    "No, I asked Endeavor, you didn't help."

    "I tried to-"

    "Tried and failed," she cut him off.

"Well, I'm glad you figured it out."

"Yeah me too. It'll be good that I can dilute my lightning now, it'll help a lot in missions where there are a lot of people, and then with the concentration, I can now be on her level, for the most part."

"That's good," he said, genuinely.

"Yeah," she whispered.



"You keep talking like you have a plan."

"You know I do."

"What is it?"

"For you to not find out until you see it on live TV."

"Because it's bad?"

"Because you'll try and stop me."

"So it's bad."

"Never said that."

"Nastasia you know if you lose-"

"Uncle Yagi, we both know I don't lose."

Stasia eventually went back to class, sneaking in when Mr. Ikakun's back was turned away from the class.

"Why are you late?" Bakugou whispered to her, leaned back in his seat.

"Talk with All Might."

"About what?"

Before she could even tell him an excuse instead of an answer, the teacher started talking and made eye contact with the two. His glare giving a silent 'shut up' Bakugou turned back to her before mouthing 'later' then sat back properly in his seat.

His promises always felt like threats to her so for the rest of the day, she avoided him trying to 'prolong' later for as long as possible. Stupid? Yes, but she knew if anyone could pull answers out of her, it was him, and these were answers she just wasn't ready to give.

"Where are you?" Stasia texted.

"Common room," Kirishima replied.

"Is Bakugou there?"

"No. Why?"

Not too long after, Stasia came down to the common room and sat down next to Kishima, and nodded to Sero and Karminari.

"Hey Stas'." Karminari greeted her.

"Hey. What are you guys doing?"

"Just talking, nothing important really-" Kirishima began to say but Sero cut him off with, "about that villain lightning couple."

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