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It had been too long since Stasia got to put on her hero costume. As she pulled up her black cargo pants they hugged her waist as they usually did and lightning shot up her spine from excitement. She slipped on her top next taking note that the hem no longer reached the belt loops of her pants exposing the tiniest bit of her brown skin, she didn't mind but she knew that her dad would. She touched her bare shoulders as they would always get cold when she first put on her uniform because her violet shirt resembled a fitted sleeveless one, but she knew they would warm back up once she started using her quirk, they always did. Her boots were tucked underneath her pant legs hiding the majority of the laces to make sure she never tripped. She opened her purple trimmed pockets and took out her gloves placing them delicately on her hands. Despite using her lightning for so long she always burned easily and was never a fan of the scars. She looked in the mirror one last time eyeing herself up and down only to find that something was missing. Stasia quickly realized the issue and rushed over to her desk picking up a hair tie and strangled her hair up into a high ponytail.

    "There we go." She smiled as she ceased to be Nastasia, Sugiyama, or even Stasia, right now in her hero costume all she was-

    "Nastasia! Time to go." Aizawa said impatiently but lazily knocked at her dorm door and she quickly opened it.

    "Sorry I was just-"

    "Daydreaming? Yeah, stop doing that."

    "Right." She nodded as she closed the door behind her and they walked towards the elevator together in silence that only felt awkward for her.

    "Back in the costume huh? How do you feel?"

    "Like a nervous wreck."

    "Could've fooled me."


    "You look confident like a real hero should."

    "Thanks, dad."

    "It wasn't a compliment." He said as the two stepped inside the elevator and pressed the button for down. "I was just stating a fact." Stasia looked up at him as the doors began to close then smiled as she faced forward.

    "What do you mean as a real hero should. Stop talking as if I'm not already one."

Aizawa then looked down at her, scoffied only slightly, as it had been a while since he had seen her like his. Even if it was only for a moment he felt as if he got his daughter back and if he was the one out of the two who could have control time he would have made that moment last forever.

"Fine then, I won't make the mistake again."

As the two walked down into the lobby everyone stared as Stasia walked by as this was the first time they had seen her in her hero costume.

"Stop staring at her as if you have never seen a hero before," Aizawa said.

"But she's our age!" Karminari defended himself.

"You have hero costumes too, stop being weird."

"But she's so pretty!" Stasia finally stopped walking and turned around and smiled at him causing him to nearly faint.

"Don't do that." Aizawa pushed her along. "If you do that he'll never stop."

"But didn't you want me to make friends?" She whispered just and she ran into Midoriya in the doorway.

"Woah Sugiyama is that your hero costume?"

"Yeah, I haven't worn it in a while so I'm-" Before she could even finish a loud gasp was heard behind her and she slowly turned around.

"That's the most I've ever heard her say."

"I haven't heard her talk at all."

"Ha! Imagine." Bakugou laughed.

    "Okay, we're leaving," Aizawa announced and they both walked to the car waiting down the pathway for them. He opened the door for Stasia letting her climb in first.

    "Where to?"

    "The Gang Orca Agency." 

    Stasia looked out the window watching the trees go by and slowly turn into buildings. The closer they got, the more anxious she became. She hadn't seen Gang Orca in months and her disappearance from the agency was rather sudden so she felt as if she was going in blind not knowing what to expect. When she walked in she gave a small wave to the receptionist then made her way to the elevator. She tapped her fingers against her thumb trying to focus on the breathing as the elevator climbed the floors. It finally came to a stop and she jumped taking shaky steps out of the box. Left, then right, then another left, she thought to herself trying to remember the pathway to his office. A small fist formed out of her hand and knocked so quietly her presence would not have been known if not for the door pushing open itself. Gang Orca stood up from his desk in shock before giving a small grin. Suddenly all of her fears washed away as the memories came flooding back of what this place meant to her.


    "Miss me?"

* Author note: Feedback is always welcome and please vote so I know if you enjoy the story. ❤

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