52) Truth

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All of the students had heard about the upcoming meeting but Stasia was the only one who was invited. That wasn't that surprising, what was is that Hawks sat on their common room couch so comfortably as if he was a student.

"Why are you here?" Tokoyami groaned.

"Not here for you kiddo, I need the lightning kid."

"Please don't call me that," Stasia said as she came out of the elevator and nodded towards Tokoyami. "Let's go, I wanna get this over with."

The two walked to the building, as they figured the trip could now double as a patrol. "You're not going to fight with Endeavor today are you?"

"We don't fight, we banter."

"That's a way to put a bow on it."

"Don't worry, I'm not gonna start anything unless he does."

"Oh, no I wasn't saying stop, it's always very entertaining."
"Of course you would say that." She scoffed as the doors opened.

"Now that everyone's here we can start." Gang Orca said and Stasia took the only open seat left, next to Endeavor, and sat down.



"Boring." Hawks sighed.

"We have recently opened up an investigation on the Sinclairs. They've been dormant for over a decade and we've had no leads on them, until now. After a two-month-long mission by Electrosia, I think we finally have some answers."


Stasia sat down across from All For One for what she hoped would be the last time and pushed back her hair with her hand, "Okay, you better start talking this time, or I swear-"



"You see the most lightning storms in the summer and they're the most intense, they're waiting until their attacks will be the most effective. They'll be harder to beat then but this way you have more time to prepare."

"Summer." She whispered to herself.

"You have until then."

"How do I know you're telling the truth?"

"What reason do I have to lie to you? Sure it would be fun to watch you squirm after what you did to me, but now I'm down here twenty-four-seven cut off from the news so how would I know? You know how I hate pointless actions, and you do too."

"Shut up."

"Oh but you want more information, don't you?" He paused, "That's what I thought."

"Their lightning is red and blue right?"

"Did you see them or are you just guessing based on the color theory?"

"I saw someone's red lightning-"

"That's your fathers."

"So blue is-"

"Your mothers, you should already know this but blue is the strongest type. But with yours being purple you're right up there with her."

"So I should beat him?"

"In theory, if he was alone, but he's not, it'll be two against one and they have great synergy, you are at a severe disadvantage."

"I know that I just need a weak point like taking them to the mountains where we're surrounded by rocks or maybe-"

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