33) Meetings

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 Stasia hated morning meetings. Most of the ones she is required to attend could have been an email and they always ask her to speak because her success at a young age was always deemed impressive, making her opinion weigh more. She hated it. Now it was seven a.m on a Monday and she was in a city she wasn't all too familiar with as she sat in a chair across from a bunch of pro-heroes she had never met before. She could feel everyone staring at her, in fact, they were as when they were told a student will be helping run the meeting they weren't expecting her to look this young. A small part of the reason why she remained so stoic was to hopefully age her up as her beautiful dark complexion would hide the years she had lived through.

"Is she like fourteen?" A man whispered to a woman and Stasia couldn't help but roll her eyes.

"I miss Hawks." She muttered and then looked around just to make sure he wasn't there listening.

"Where's Kana?" Stasia looked up as she knew she could be the only person they were talking to.

"She's not a pro, she's not coming."

"We could use her-"

"Look, it's not my place to convince her of anything."


"Alright let's start, shall we?" A voice asked and after Stasia took a good look at their face she realized she was probably supposed to remember them, but didn't. "Electrosia?"

"Yeah." She stood up and walked to the front of the room, where the board was behind her. "Okay, I'm assuming many of you have heard of the Sinclair's?"

"Weren't they called like the 'Lethal Lightning Couple'?"

"That was just a nickname from the public." Stasia corrected. "Their real information was buried since they were never caught. It's been over a decade since they were active. I honestly thought they were dead until they started indirectly getting in contact with me."

"Why would they do that?"

"I'm their daughter." She said and watched how everyone's face remained unchanged. "Okay, then."

"No one really cares, we're all adults here." One reminded her. "I mean everyone but you."

"Yeah, okay." She said shortly. "Anyways, even with the attempts to be discreet I still often make the news, meaning if they recognize my face they know who I am and what I do. This is the only viable option because ever since I went to UA this started. If they're shamelessly messing with a hero, they want something and they're probably getting desperate. But before we find out what they want, we need to find out where they are. And that is where all of you come in. No offense, but you're all much older than me so you'll know more information about them than I would since you were of age during their reign. Try to think back to who they were associated with. What you can't remember, research. They're probably underground now so look everywhere and if you can't find them specifically, find something. Coming back empty-handed is not an option."

The taxi ride back to her aunt's place felt lonely. Mostly because the ones in the last few weeks were with Kirishima. It wasn't that she wasn't used to doing things alone. It was just once you get a taste of something you always want more.

As she got in the elevator she slinked off her hoodie that she had thrown over her sleeveless hero costume and pressed the button for the fortieth floor. She went underneath the doormat for the extra key and let herself in. She walked in on the pot boiling over in the kitchen with Kana nowhere in sight.

"Your food is burning," Stasia called out.

"No, it's not," Kana answered, presumably from her room. "I already ate, that's yours."

"Great." She turned off the stove and moved the pot over just as the door opened.

"Oh is this the new hero costume?" She gasped as she noticed all the new, smaller details with the pants. "Ohhh, and gloves too?"

"My hands burn- and you sound like an overexcited child. What are you compensating for?"

"Wow, you really did grow up mean."

"Yeah, sorry, working on that."

"Stasia, I only like you for your asshole tendencies."

"Oh, um-" Stasia paused, slightly offended.

"But, hey, how was the meeting?"

"Good I guess, I mean I just had to talk at them, which I hate, but you what you have to right?"

"Right." Stasia took off the top and was able to smell the now burnt, Oden.

"That probably would have tasted good."

"Yeah, it would have." Stasia looked over at her and Kana shook her head. "Don't say it."

"I didn't."

"You're saying, 'I'm twenty-nine I should know how to cook by now'."

"Again, I didn't say anything, but at least you're self-aware." She smiled then walked into her room only to come back out seconds later. "My phone?"

"Charging in my room."

"Thanks." She nodded then dipped into Kana's room

"Finally gonna respond to those messages?"

"No. I gotta make a call."

"Ohhh, to Kiri."

"His name's Kirishima, and no, the prison." Kana ran into her room as Stasia started down at her phone.

"Don't tell me you're visiting Shigaraki?"

"That twenty-year-old brat? Hell no. First of all, he's annoying as hell and he's barely older than me, he wouldn't know shit."

"Then who are you-" Stasia held her finger up as she finally dialed the number.

"Yes, it's Electrosia, I was looking to make a visit at around nine a.m tomorrow."


He laughed as she entered in and sat down in the chair across the glass, "Your laugh is ugly, I would cut that out if I were you."

"Oh, you've had better insults than that."

"Well, I try to use my best ones on people who I feel can actually listen," She said and gazed over at his ears, or lack thereof.

"There we go." He slyly smiled.

"Wow, I never noticed how creepy you are."


"Now, All For One," She paused and almost laughed at his audacity. "We already had a conversation on what you're allowed to call me." Her voice was chilling it made the bumps on his skin raise. "Don't look so scared, I just wanna talk, and hey, I'll even let you speak this time."

"How gracious."

She smiled, "Aren't I always."

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