34) Question

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 "I feel so lucky to have you visit me. This is the second time already."

"Good, you can still count, and if I'm lucky, this will be the last time I have to see your terribly aging face."

"How can I help to make that happen?"

"I just have one question, more like an order really, tell me everything I need to know about my biological parents."

"Now why would I do that?"
"You don't seem to have much trouble blabbering to All Might, so obviously like to talk."

"That was different."

"Why? Because you have a history? Well, you've known me for longer, and I always was your favorite." She teased with what Akari would always tell her, but still, she didn't know yet if it was true.

"You think so? Hm."

"Are you going to get to talking, or-"

"I think I'll pass."

"Fine." She sighed and got up.

"Where are you going?"

"I have other things to do today."

"You quit so easily, don't you?"

"Quitting? Who said that? I said I'm done for the day, I'll be back, and I'll keep coming back until I get my answer."

"That's a lot of time spent in a prison for a hero."

"Oh don't worry about me, thanks to you, I have all the time in the world." The doors opened and she wasted no time to leave. The contrast between the prison and outside was so drastic she had to shield her eyes from the sudden direct sunlight. Her phone rang in her pocket so she stopped and pulled it out.


"Young Nastasia. How did the visit go?"

"I'm safe. He wouldn't talk though, I'm starting to think you two might be closer than me and him." Stasia joked and she could almost feel All Might's laugh on the other end of the phone. "Anyways, how is the class?"

"They seem a little worried."

"They'll be fine, it's not like I was there for a while."

"You left a big impact."

"I make a few friends, do one raid, end up in the hospital, help a few kids get their license and blow up several buildings and suddenly that's a big impact?"

"Um- Nastasia, you do hear yourself right?" Silence. "Well, I'm worried about Kirishima."


"He seems to be more affected than the others."

"That kids a fighter, he'll be fine, and if he's not like I'll be gone forever."

"You should talk to him."

"If I have the time." She said and glared down at her watch. "Which I don't, I gotta go."

"Stay safe."

"Got it." She hung up just in time to pick up another call. "Hello? Yeah, yeah, okay, I'll be there."

When Stasia got back to her aunt's place she found herself so tired she couldn't even make it to her bed and instead opted for the couch. Kana came in not too long after and Stasia lifted her head just enough to see the takeout bags.

"Shut up," Kana ordered, but in her defense, Stasia was actually planning to say something this time.

"What did you get?"



"That was so unenthusiastic."

"Auntie this full-time hero shit is so tiring and I think I'm gonna be visiting All For One for longer than I thought."

"Well, were you expecting him to be easy?"

"No, I just thought after everything he did to me he would have the decency to stop being a little bitch and answer one damn question." She grunted and Kana folded her lips then nodded

"Do you want to talk about it?" As expected Stasia shook her head. Now was not the time to play therapist, and there was too much to unpack even if she wanted to. On top of that, she knew Stasia wasn't the type to talk about her problems. She still doesn't have the real answer of why she's even here so to open up another Pandora's Box would cause more harm than good. In all honesty, she still doesn't feel as if she has the whole aunt thing down yet, but she couldn't help but try.

"Do you wanna eat dinner together?" She asked, hopeful.

"I'm not hungry," Stasia said, finally she got up off the couch and began to walk to her room. All the patience Kana had composed was lost.

"Sit your ass down!" Stasia stopped instantly and slowly turned around.


"I said sit your ass down."

"Um- yes, ma'am." She almost nervously went over to the table and sat down.

"If you're not going to talk to me, at least let's have a meal together."

"Okay," Stasia whispered.

"Don't go all timid on me," Kana warned as she started to unbox the food.

"Okay." She said again, voice still small. Kana was still figuring things out, but at this moment she knew exactly what she needed to do. She paused and walked over to Stasia's side of the table to plant a firm kiss on her hair.

"I'm glad you're here." Stasia looked up and for the first time since she arrived, Kana got to see her smile.

"Me too."

a/n thanks so much for 800 reads <3

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