80) Welcome Back

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"Absolutely not," Aizawa said, as he began distributing portions of the food he cooked for breakfast among his two daughters.

    "See I knew you would say that-"

    "That's good. Because in what world could you possibly see me saying yes to you visiting the woman who tried to kill you a few weeks ago," he angrily whispered, hoping Eri wouldn't hear him from across the table.

    "I see your point but-"

    "But nothing, go to school, we'll talk about this later."

    "Dad, we don't have school today."

    "Yes you do, break ended yesterday."

For someone who can control it, it's embarrassing for Stasia to admit that she lost track of time. In her head, the line of events was: lightning fight, doctors visit, back to the dorms. In reality, there was about a two-week gap between the first two; that is when she was in the hospital.

If you were to ask Stasia a couple of months ago she wouldn't say she hated hospitals, she just didn't enjoy them. Ask her now she'd say she'd rather suffer for months and an end than to be admitted. But, when her organs were listed as being charred and her arm being rendered useless without the proper care- being admitted wasn't her choice.

Sixteen days. She spent sixteen days in the hospital. She had one emergency surgery, had her arm snapped back in place, and underwent an accelerated version of physical therapy.  By the time she was discharged, summer break was coming to an end and everyone was back at the dorms. With everything going on she didn't realize that meant school was going to be back in session as well.

She thought for a moment, adding things up in her head, and realized, "oh shit I go back today."


"Welcome back. Welcome back," Mr. Ikakun greeted the students calmly as they walked in, "welcome b- what the hell happened to you?" he asked, as he pointed at her eyepatch.

"It was this or a glass eye."

"And you chose that?"

"Thanks for the confidence boost sir," Stasia said, beginning to walk back to her seat.

"Just kidding. Welcome back, hero," he said and those who were already in class began to clap.

"That's not necessary," she informed them and slowly the applause died down.

"What was unnecessary was the mass amount of damage the lightning fight caused."

"Excuse me?" she asked just as the bell rings.

"Today we'll be watching Nastasia's fight and looking at the many, many errors she made."


"Let's begin. She didn't know up in costume-"

Mr. Ikakun spent at least an hour and a half berating her performance, for a moment she saw Endeavor in him. While she could have done without the unsolicited advice, she realized that after everything, it has never felt better to be back in school.

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