67) (de) Synced

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Start a Riot- Duckwrth, Shaboozey

Bakugou was the first to notice Stasia's behavior, partially because it was amplified when she was around him, but also because he's the closest to her. Needless to say, him noticing first meant their dynamic was the first to change. Not necessarily a wrench thrown in their bond, just, a screw loose. Not enough to throw things out of whack, but just enough to see a difference.

    "Everyone partner up!" Mr. Ikakun ordered and the whole class turned to Bakugou and Stasia to see how fast they would jump at the chance to work together, except they didn't.

The class turned to them, expecting.

    "What?" the two ask.

    "You two usually scream out each other's names when asking to work with each other," Karminari pointed out.

    "Oh,"  Stasia said and Bakugou looked back at her. "Do you wanna-"

    "Sure yeah," he agreed.

    "See, we're good," Stasia assured them.

    "Even I know that was off," Mr. Ikakun confessed.


    The class was separated into training rooms, three pairs for each one.

It was supposed to be a simple sparring exercise. Minimal quirk usage as the idea was to focus on combat technique.

    Stasia picked up the punching mitts first and immediately Bakugou began his attacks. She shifted every now and then from how hard he was hitting, but nonetheless, it was manageable until it wasn't.

"You know Kirishima is getting his ass beat by Dark Shadow and Tokoyamai right?" Bakugou asked,

"Yeah, what about it?"

"He's been calling for you."

"I don't know what he expects me to do."

"Help him," he guessed.

"Nah' not gonna do that," she joked which got him to laugh.   

    "Hey, did IcyHot tell you?"

    "Tell me what?"

    "We're switching our running schedule to night time, cause Endeavor usually has us leave early in the morning for work-study."

    "Ah, I miss being able to actually go to my work-study," she confessed.

    "Why can't you?"

    "Hmm?" she hummed in surprise, not realizing he heard her. "Just things you know."

    "Yeah, I know," he said, hitting her harder.


    "You coming with us tonight though?" Bakugou asked.

    "Can't sorry."

    "Too busy for us?" he teased, once again, punching harder.

    "No just got some things to handle, I'll be there for the next one."

    "Taking time to keep track of all your secrets," he muttered.

    "What?" she asked and put the mitts down, just as Bakugou went in for another punch, landing on her chest.

She stumbled back multiple steps before she quickly took off the mitts as she bent over. She put her hands on her knees while she coughed until blood stained the floor. She glared up at him through her eyebrows before she aggressively wiped the blood off of her mouth with her sleeve.

"Switch!" Mr. Ikakun called over the loudspeaker.

"Shit," Bakugou whispered. "I didn't mean-"

Stasia grabbed the mitts and chucked them at Bakugou as she stood up.

"You heard him, switch."

Ojiro and Shoji, Mina and Midoriya, and Todoroki and Iida were all in the room next door and made a collective decision to take a break. The six of them all sat around in a circle, calmly making conversation while catching their breath.

Suddenly Shoji motions for them to stop talking as ears form on all of his arms. Their room goes quiet and they sit in silence for at least a minute as they wait for Shoji's go to talk again.

"I guess-"

Shoji was cut off by a hole being blasted through the wall that separated the rooms and Bakugou's body, seeming to be the catalyst, was now on their side.

The six of them all were heavily confused as Bakugou sat up, on his elbows groaning and cursing Stasia's name.

"Stasia?" Midoriya whispered.

"Yeah?" she answered, stepping into view, standing directly in the center of the hole in the wall. Todoroki silently noted the blood that dribbled down her chin when she spoke that she quickly wiped away.

Though blood then poured out of her mouth once she spoke again, announcing, "I'm gonna go to the infirmary, you should take him too."

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