79) This Just In

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"Hey," Kirishima called, "you ready?"

    Stasia nodded and Kirishima extended out his hand before he led her down to the common room. The rest of the class was waiting for the two and upon noticing her arrival, Mina leaned forward to turn up the volume on the TV.

    "This just in, we have an update on the Orage Mortelle fight in the city-"

    After Stasia got back she never outwardly told the class her big secret. However,  the fight was almost as televised as All For One v All Might, and just watching the interactions between the three made everything come out in the open by itself. She expected that so there was no surprise coming back to the dorms that everyone knew. The surprise was that no one cared; at least about her relationship with them that is. They were just happy she was okay and Stasia was just happy they still cared.

    Less savory news was the news itself. It had been a week and a half and still, every channel you clicked on was someone covering the infamous lightning fight. No matter how hard she tried she couldn't escape from it. This is why her friends decided to do just the opposite. They would all gather as a class and watch one report; bite the bullet so Stasia and everyone else could be informed of what everyone else knows and then finally put it behind them. Today was that day.

    Stasia sat on the couch sandwiched between Kirishima and Bakugou who both insisted on being right next to her for support. Honestly, she wanted to sit by Midoriya while she watched but she learned it was already decided.

    As the reporter continued, Stasia's hearing went in and out, trying hard to focus but finding it rather difficult as the memories of the fight clashed with the recitation. But it's not until fifteen minutes in does she hear something worth listening to.

    "We are waiting to contact all families of the departed until we announce the identities of the lives lost. But there were multiple casualties and two confirmed deaths."

    "Shit," Sero whispered.

    "Onto the damages, besides the restaurant, several other buildings were completely destroyed including-"

    As the reporter began to list the names of buildings that were now no more than rubble, Stasia's phone started to ring. She checks the caller ID and quickly excuses herself before leaving the common room and going to stand on the steps answering, "hello?"

    "Nastasia, how have you been?"

    "Uh- as good as I can be I guess. What's going Mr. Tsuragamae?"

    "Have you watched the news today?"

    "Yeah, why?"

    "I need to talk to you about the deaths."

    "Sir, I swear, that was self-defense, and Antoine- I didn't even kill him, I was telling him something-

"Nastasia, I'm calling because you didn't kill anyone."


    By the time Stasia had walked back in, the broadcast was long over with but she still returned to a full room; all apparently, waiting for her.

    "Are you okay?" Iida asked, "You had us all very worried."

    "Yeah, give us more of a warning of how long you'll be out," Shoji advised and Stasia nodded.

    "Sorry, it was- a lot," she said, putting it mildly.

    "Who were you talking to anyway?" Karminari asked.

    Instead of answering, she asked a question of her own, "does anyone want to come to the prison with me this weekend?"

    "Like a field trip?" Karminari questioned and Jirou punched his arm to get him to be quiet.

    "What the hell are you talking about?" Bakugou asked.

    Stasia smiled as she said, "guess who's still alive."

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