86) Multiverse

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"You came back," Mei noted as Stasia sat opposite her on the other side of the glass.

"I did. I had a promise to fulfill that I hadn't yet."

Mei raised an eyebrow and Stasi elaborated, "his last words."

Mei's breath hitched and then she was immediately on the edge of her seat. Stasia took a deep breath and sighed. "I don't remember it exactly."

"Are you fuc-"

"Courtesy of you electrocuting me, it's a little hazy but it's still there so watch it."

Mei held her tongue and after a few moments of silence, May continued. "I said how I wish things were different. How maybe in another life we could have been a real family. Maybe in another universe, we were, just not in this one."


"He agreed, or at least acknowledged it, and...then he died."

"You really think that?"

"Think what- oh... yeah. I mean I never really knew you two, I'm sure we had good memories before everything, but I don't remember. You have to understand that I spent my whole life thinking you gave me up to a supervillain out of self-preservation or lack of caring."

"We didn't give you up! We looked for you-"

"I know that now I do, but...you didn't find me. I know that's not fair to say, but I spent years being tortured under the name of training. Wishing death just to make the pain stop, I was a kid, I was your kid and you didn't find me."

"We couldn't-"

"My dad did. He found me, and he took me in like I was my own and now I am. Your daughter died on that base, a very long time ago. And now it's...it's just too late. And just to put everything out there, you've killed people, my whole life I bet. Not even two months ago you murdered a hero to find me and now it feels as if blood is on my hands too. So yes, sometimes I wish things could have been different. But they're not."

"I understand."

"You do?" Stasia asked, surprised.

"Yes, any sane person would."

"I wouldn't describe you as- never mind." she shook her head and then cleared her throat. "Um, I'm gonna go though."

"Thank you," Mei whispered.


Stasia stood and began to walk towards the door when Mei called, "I'm happy for you."


"You found your people. Those kids, from that day."

"Yeah, they're amazing," she admitted with a small smile.

"And that man, your 'dad' I guess, he better take care of you."
"Always has, always will."

A true statement as the moment she arrived home he was at the door badgering her with questions and scolding her for being irresponsible and visiting without him. She got grounded and as he yelled she couldn't help but smile. An action that creeped Aizawa out and he scoffed before walking it away as in his eyes it was all a joke to her.

"Have you eaten?" he asked her, angrily. "Of course not, because that'd be a smart decision and you don't like to make those."

He wasn't the perfect father, but he was her's. And of all the universes that may or might not exist, she's thankful that she's in one where she can call him Dad.

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