60) Rain

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Stasia pulled out her phone to check the time and three of the boys stared at her. "Do we have to go back in?" Todoroki asked.

"No, we can get in another mile."

"We have only six minutes to get back for breakfast." Midoriya pointed out.

"Yeah, how long does it take you to run a mile? Why are you staring at me like that?"

"What the-" Bakugou whispered and looked up at the sky. They all looked at him and watched a few droplets fall on his face.

"Should we go back in?" Midoriya asked.

"Maybe it's just light rain?" Stasia hoped and seconds later it started pouring. Stasia could feel her hair getting heavier by the second while Midoriya and Bakugou's hair started to droop down. "Yeah, let's go back inside."

By the time Stasia was at her dad's she was already sneezing. She looked around at the absence of Eri and looked to her dad, "Did she already get taken to school?"

"Yes, she was worried about you getting caught in the rain and getting sick."

"Oh really? What did you tell her?

"Don't feel bad for her, this is what she gets for never drying her hair."

"It's down to my thigh what do you-" sneeze, "expect?" His face remained unchanged and she rolled her eyes. "Thanks for the support." She said then walked into the bathroom to wash her hands. When she came back out she saw Aizawa sitting on the couch with a towel in his hands.


"Come here." She sneezed again before she walked over and sat on the floor in between his legs as he began to pick up her hair then dry it. "You have too much of this." He said in between pats.

"That's debatable."

"Not at all." He laughed for only a second and went back to focusing on her hair. It was quiet for a few minutes and before Stasia spoke up again, "and you said you'd never do my hair."

"I also said I'd never have kids, but here we are."

"Oh, so I changed you?" She teased.

"Yes," He quickly agreed and she turned back to him, "I'm not finished, what are you doing?" She turned back around and shrugged before she started with her hair again.

"If I changed you so much, can I do your hair?"


Stasia walked into class late with her hair in a bun and tried to sneak in before Mr. Ikakun stopped her, "Sugiyama."

"Yes, sir?"

"You're late."

"Yes, I was helping Mr. Aizawa from class 1-A" He stared at her for a second before he nodded for her to sit down. Bakugou slightly leaned back to her and whispered, "that was bullshit wasn't it?"

"No, I actually did help him."

"With what?"

"You'll see."

As soon as they were able, half of Stasia's friends ran to class 1-A to stare at Aizawa who had his hair tied into the same bun saw on Stasia even including hairs pulled out in the front to match the ones that she had laid down on herself. Aizawa slowly turned and it only took a second of his glare to send the kids running.

Later that night the common room was empty as the rain made everyone tired, with the exception of Stasia. She always had a hard time sleeping during the weather, quite the opposite as it made her feel wired. She was in her room wide awake as she stared at the ceiling. For a moment she considered texting Shinsou as she hadn't seen him in a while until she realized by the time it would take her to get to his dorm and back she would have already missed curfew. Bakugou was right across the hall but she knew he was already asleep, the girls had stopped texting in the group chat ten minutes ago, Todoroki surely wouldn't be up, Midoriya was probably getting last-minute studying in, and Iida would definitely think it was too late to talk. So that left one option.

When the door opened Stasia's hand slowly met her mouth trying not to laugh. "What?" Kirishima asked.

"Your hair." He flicked his eyes upwards as if he could see it and after realizing he couldn't, patted his head then understood what she meant, "oh yeah, it's down."

"It's not naturally like that?"

"No," he laughed, "did you think it was?"

"A little bit, yeah. But um- I like it though."

"Thanks!" he beamed, "but, did you need something?"

"Yeah, just, wanted to- do you wanna go watch the rain with me?"

The two quietly snuck down to the common room and sat on the floor in front of a window. Stasia was entranced by the way the rain hit the glass. It was almost as if every little droplet excited a reaction from her and while Kirishima in no way understood, he liked watching her like this. She could feel his eyes and turned towards him, "what?"

"You really like the rain huh?"

"I- yeah, it's calming."

"It is." He agreed, not even looking at the window.

"Mhm." She hummed, not looking at it either. They made eye contact for a few seconds before her eyes returned back to the window and she said, "I'm kinda cold," she wasn't exactly sure why she announced this to him. All she had to do was take her hair down or activate her dynamite to fix the issue but still part of her wanted to see what his solution would be. To her luck, he said, "okay," then he inched closer to her until their shoulders touched. Once contact was made they shared a quick smile before they both went quiet. It was awkward. Very awkward, but at the same time, it was sweet. Without too much thought into it, he wrapped his arm around her shoulder which caused her to feel even closer to him, not that she minded. She thought back to Karminari and Sero's pestering of them wondering if or when she was ever going to tell Kirishima that she liked him. Of course, she was, but as she laid her head down on his shoulder she knew it was impossible that he didn't already know. 

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