51) Reality

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Everyone was in the locker room as they got changed into their hero costumes.

"I hope you all had a good break."

Stasia pulled her hair up, tight then went down to lace up her boots. "Stasia."


"Are you ready?" Mina asked. "It's your first fight since you've been back."

"But that's over now."

"Of course I'm ready."

"It's time to get back to work, back to reality, when you become pro's everything changes, there are no breaks, just calms before the storm. Normally, I would let you adjust to coming back to school, but that would only be wasting time. Many of you have work studies now, for the most part, you'll be fighting within those groups in order to get used to working with your team. If you can't work seamlessly together now, fix it on your own time, before you screw up when it counts."

"Are you sure you're ready?" Jirou asked as they walked into Ground Beta together, with Shoji not far behind.

"You'll be competing against each other, three on three, on whoever can beat the most villains."

"Sort of like the entrance exam?"

"You could say so. First group: Sugiyama, Shoji, and Jirou."

"That's convenient," Stasia muttered. "Wait, who is Shoji again?" She asked and he raised his hands. "Oh."

"Yeah, what's the worst that can happen?"

"Going against the students from the Endeavor Agency: Midoriya, Todoroki, and Bakugou."


The three of them hid behind a building to regroup and so Jirou and Shoji could catch their breaths. They could hear the explosions of their competition nearby but they weren't too. "Okay, so we're leading," Stasia said.

"What about Present Mic, I couldn't defeat him last time, especially with Koda not here," Jirou confessed.

"One sec," She closed her eyes for a second, "Fifty meters."


"When he gets to twenty-five I'm gonna mute your hearing, so his quirk won't affect you."

"What then?" Shoji asked.

"I don't know, punch him in the face, just get us the point."

"Right-" She held her finger against her lips before she mouthed, "Watch me," she clenched her fist tightly and everything went silent for the two. "Now." Shoji then left and after what felt like long enough, she opened her hand.

"Group one has earned fifty more points."

"Let's go," Jirou said, grabbed Stasia's hand and the two ran off.

Sure she knew what these two were capable of, but she didn't expect they would all make such a good team. Just like her situation with Gang Orca, their quirks didn't exactly match, but they did.

There was only one 'villain' left but it didn't matter to them as they were still ahead. The other group, on the other hand, rushed to track down Snipe. They hoped with his points added they could pull ahead, so Bakugou might have been getting a little reckless.

Stasia's group was near the gates, finally able to calm down. Until explosions grew closer. It wasn't long before Bakugou blasted Snipe into a building, he just wasn't aware that the impact went all the way through, and he didn't know Stasia was standing directly on the other side.

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