66) Award-winning

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 Stasia stared at herself in the bathroom mirror. She had just gotten out of the shower and her hair hung heavily down her back as she searched for any glimpse of anything in her eyes. Nothing.

The door swung open and she cleared her throat as Momo and Mina entered and they smiled at her.

"Hey," she said.


"Hey!" Mina greeted her excitedly, only for the enthusiasm in her voice to quickly fade as she noticed Stasia's demeanor. "Um- you okay?"

"Hm? Um, yeah, yeah," she lied. "Just- tired."


"Yeah- I'm gonna go finish getting ready," she told them before she left, not giving them time to respond.

As she walked back to her room she realized someone had been calling her yet it was on silent. She answered as she brought it to her ear she noticed Bakugou down the hall, supposedly waiting to pick her up for class.

She acknowledged him with a nod before she whispered into the phone, "I can't talk right now give me a second," before she ducked into her room.

She caught a glimpse of the way he looked at her before she closed the door and it left her with a pit in her stomach. She tried to shake off the feeling and returned her attention back to the phone call.

"Auntie. Yeah, " she said and turned back to the door. "I think he bought it."


Over the next few weeks, Stasia made sure to get phone calls at odd hours, randomly disappear during the day, and be more closed off than usual. She just did it enough to make people take notice, to make him notice, to make them notice. She already knew the gist of what they thought of her now anyway, might as well play the part, and make it an award-winning performance while she's at it.

The Eyes That Make the StormOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora