12.2 Questing

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12.2 Questing

Originally Published: June 17, 2021

"Are you okay with that, Ash?" The boy didn't respond. "Ash?"

"Huh?" Ash asks with a dazed look. He wraps his pinky fingers together and held his hands to his chest.

James chuckles, "Are you okay with staying with Kilth?"

Ash tilts his head to James then to Kilth, he glances at Kilth's ears. Bowing his head, he hesitantly walks to Kilth's side and grabs onto his pants leg with both hands.

Kilth pats the boy's head, to which Ash shyly looks up to him.

"We should now so we can get there before eleven."


Before walking into the forest the adventurers prepare to enter the forest. The forest has an overwhelming aura, although it can only be felt from the inside. As long as they say outside of the forest they will be safe from the dangers it brings.

"Put these on," Willow hands out blue amulets to everyone, but Ash. She kneels before Ash and puts two amulets around his neck, one blue and the other purple.

Willow had to tighten the strings for Ash's amulets because they fell down to his waist and swing around too much when he moves. After she fixes the amulets, Ash runs up to Kilth, grabbing his hand and looking up at him.

Inside the forest, a vast greenscape can be seen. Moss covers the trees, along with vines connecting the trees together.

Birds of all sizes chirp at the sight of the newcomers. Some fly down from their nests to 'greet' them, claws out and pointing towards them. James pulls up his cloak over Kilth and Ash. Ash whimpers

"Ugh, those damned birds..." Myah mumbles, "everyone okay?"

"Yeah," Pinton says.

"I'm not dead," Kilth says, looking at James

James, Ash, and Willow do not respond.

"Ash? You okay bud?" Myah asks.

"Why did the birds be mean?"

"Uhh, well, they probably weren't used to people entering their forest and didn't like it. Don't worry, they won't be bothering us anymore."



On their venture, James is on the lookout for the herbs he needs for his first quest. Even with the vague requirements in the quest, James understood what it means.

In Hilard Pine, James often helped Amity collect medical herbs since she is the local doctor. She mostly works alone, give or take some part-timers, so she appreciates James helping out every herb season. Amity also buys herds from a gardener. They have a greenhouse with a section full of herbs, but buying certain herbs isn't needed because wild herbs are often more potent and for common herbs, there is no need to cultivate them.

Herbs in the wild are able to absorb pure energy from the earth in their roots, typically growing at the base of hundred-year trees, with roots already deep for them to cling to. The best herbs grow in bundles around trees, so all James needs to do is examine the trees. This won't be too difficult, much easier than looking for herbs that would blend with the greenery.

The group was walking in a circle formation, Ash and Kilth walked in the center.

Ash gaze in wonder at the landscape and the creatures. Fae hide behind the branches of tall trees. They glow in various colorful shades, Ash becomes entranced, he stops walking- but Kilth tugs on his hand.

Kilth's smile draws Ash back into reality, but he continues to glance at the fae as they walk away.

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