3 Run Away

978 42 0

3 Run Away

Originally Published: May 14, 2020

The forest felt like his only escape. Ash could climb the trees and no one would even be able to find him. His agility stat is quite high because of how often he scales the trees.

Why couldn't he become a bird? If he could reincarnate into a beautiful creature such as a bird he would be very happy.

Can't he be happy for a whole day? Is it that so unusual for a kid his age? The books he's read state the children should play all day because it builds stats and builds 'social bonding' as it says. Although, it also says children need to go to school three times a week, at least.

Ash doesn't do that.

Sigh, the head servant is calling for him again.


"Can't you do anything right!?"

Ash cowers under May's feet. She is holding a shard of glass from a vase. The vase was customized to be flower shaped and is painted lilac. This was a priceless piece- gifted to the Vatli family by an aristocratic business friend as an offering of peace.

It was placed in this forgotten place on the Vatli's land because its style stood out in the main manor.

This vase is currently in hundreds of tiny pieces. And so is Ash- or he will be soon. After he is punished for breaking this 'valued' piece of porcelain. Or rather, after he was shoved into the cabinet. Kinly was angry again, that said when May heard the commotion Kinly pointed the blame the little Ash.

May loves the decor in this house- she has organized and rearranged many, many times to make everything look perfect. Having a 'snotty' little brat she is forced to care for, destroy a rare vase they will not be able to replace, she wanted to beat this kid to death.

But, she didn't.

Ash is banned from eating supper for the rest of the year, adding up to three and a quarter months. That is a long time for a six year old to go without an evening meal.


At night, when all the servants are off in their comfortable beddings Ash sneaks out of his 'room.'

It is time to complete the quest he was given. That is what you are suppose to do, right? Hah, completing quests, he sounds like an adventurer.

He has a cloth bag stuffed full of clothes and his blanket. Rushing to the kitchen, Ash stole food from the storage. A place he was otherwise forbidden to go near.

Ash grew pale when he heard creaks from the floorboards, causing him to hide behind the creates in the storage. But nothing happens. No one is coming after him, because they aren't looking. Why would they?

Slowly, Ash climbs out of his spot.

After stocking up on foods, Ash runs.

He runs through the trees, past the rocks and lake, until he reaches a campfire.

A campfire? Wait, why are people here?

Are they adventurers?

Ash wants to leave- to say far away from these people- because they might try to take him back. Ash does not want to go back.

But Ash's movements are heard by them.

They see him and they call out to him.

Ash runs away- he can't let them return him to his home. If he goes back he will never be let out of the house, so this is his only chance.

He keeps running. He did not know where he was going, but he is leaving these campers and his past behind.

He never wants to go back again...

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