14.2 Denin Peaks

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14.2 Denin Peaks

Originally Published: August 5, 2021

Ash forces himself to walk forwards, staying here won't do much good.

The roars continued to echo towards Ash, tempting him to run yet he was frozen. Stuck to the ground like a leaf under the snow.

He stays quiet. What can he do? What can he say? There is no one who will listen.

No one is here.




No one but that creature roaring...

Does he have to venture closer to it? There is no path behind him...

Ash steps forward in slow agonizing motions.

This is the only way out. This- is it? Is this the only path?

No- Ash needs to just go. Stop waiting, no one will save you.

No one else is here.

After the seconds ticked by, minutes passing, hours... How long has he been here?

Ash reaches the end of the cavern. Finally, he is face to face with a large, white dragon.

A dragon.

It was laying down in a nest, its wing drawn out, covering something. The dragon seems protective of its treasure, drawing its wing closer to itself once it sees Ash.

What is it hiding?

Ash inches closer, abit scared.

Something underneath its wing moves and pokes its head out.

It's a boy?

He looks older than Ash, maybe eight? The boy has white scales that cover the sides of his face, going down his neck. His ebony skin bends into the glossy scales. In the center of his forehead there is a light blue gemstone.

He has thin horns that are angled straight up, along with pointed ears.

The boy rushes over to Ash and grabs his hand, "You're not supposed to be here..." He looks back at the large dragon.

"A human? How are you- are you not human? Maybe only half?" The boy cups Ash's cheeks. "It's not safe, you should leave..."

"How do I leave?" Ash looks around, there seems to be no exit. He thought it would be close to the creature but alas...

"I will help you," The boy leans his forehead against Ash's.


James starts to rock Ash back and forth after he whimpers in his sleep.

Kilth looks over to James, "Is everything alright?"

"Ash, he seems to be having a nightmare."

James sits down on a bench to adjust the way he is holding Ash, so he is holding him sideways so he can rest against him easier. James rubs his cheek.

"Do you need me to hold him?" Kilth asks. James shakes his head so Kilth sits down with James, handing him a bag of dried fruit, "Here, since you didn't have breakfast."

"Ah, thanks."

After a while, the others who are out scouting come back.

"The kid is still sleeping?" Myah asks, "wish I could sleep in."

"Pinton found the monster's nest, Willow is still there, ready to get going?"

"Yeah," James looks down at Ash, "Ash...wake up...Ash?"

Ash jumps up, tears in his eyes. He tries to get out of James's arms. Out of reflex, James grabs him and holds him tighter, this scares him until he looks at James and recognizes him.

He clings onto James, sobbing into his shirt.

Kilth rubs Ash's back while James coos at him.

"You're okay, it's okay..."

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