11.1 Guild

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11.1 Guild

Originally Published: May 27, 2021

James brushes off the topic of running away and continues to chat with Maya and her friends.

Myah introduces her brother, Kilth, and her two other friends. Willow is the other girl and Piton as the boy.

Maya tells James about their plans to go to the guild in town. They just completed a couple of quests and now want to get their rewards along with new quests. Piton invites James and Ash to join them, James accepts.

He needs to gather information about his brother, the guild is the best place to start. Learning about the quest his brother got is key to figure out where he went.

Speaking of brothers, James smiles down at Ash. Ash, however, is distracted by Myah and Kilth's catlike ears.

Want to touch... but that would be rude, so Ash could only watch from afar.

"Ash?" James calls out, "It is time to go."


Ash grabs James's hand. The two set off into the town. This town is much larger than James's Town, Hilard Pine. Indeed, Sprint Zale is a pronoun scale. This is the reason it is an officially documented town, after all.

Towns like James's home are more so villages than towns, however they are still allowed to be called a town as long as the buildings are modern enough. New settlements have to build stable housing to qualify as a town, ten different houses, at least.

To become an officially documented town you will need to face excruciating tests to even qualify for the evaluation. Sprint Zale has been a growing town for two centuries, and their progress is phenomenal. The founders spend a huge amount of effort in building their home up from the ground. They built the center square first. With its lavish statue in the center to the buildings surrounding it, all were shops so travelers can have easy access the larger businesses.

Market stands are also apparent in the center square. These are usually set up by family's that want to sell off a product they made or harvested. Farmer's always have stands, along with fishermen during season. Of course, they save produce for their family before selling the rest.

"The adventurer's guild is this way, right off the center square." Myah says.

"Thank you," James says with earnest.

The adventurer's guild used to be an outdoor bar with a bullet board that has quests listed on it. Now, it is its own building, close to the center square so traveling adventurers can location it easily.

A bright, red banners hang on either side of the double doors, the outer rims are accented with gold. The banners have a sword emblem with a semicircle made of five stars above the sword.

"Welcome!" The doors have small bells attached to them so the workers can welcome adventurers after a long day of work. "How may I assist you?"

Piton steps forward, "We would to turn in a quest, first."

"Yes, right this way."

The adventurers separate from James and Ash to get their reward, so James goes up to the quest wall. He looks for a low level quest for a non registered adventurer can complete. Something not too difficult to finish for Ash joining him. James can't keep him out of danger be he can limit the intensity of it.

James brings the quest to the counter, while there he asks about his brother's quest.

"Sorry, but we cannot give out such information to an ordinary citizen."

"Then I want to become an adventurer."

"Here, fill out these forms. After you complete five quests you can become a qualified adventurer, I will fill out the quest for you in the meantime."

"Yes, thank you."

James goes to sit down on one of the couches with Ash. Ash pulls out his drawing pad while James is doing boring stuff.

In the forms, James also adds in Ash as his help.

After just five quests his [Status] will add the title of an adventurer. Ash might also get his [Status] updated to say something along the lines of an adventurers sidekick or helper.

"Here, my registration forms."

"Thank you for your cooperation." The lady hands James a stack of papers. "Here are your questing forms."

"You have my thanks."

New quest unlocked! [Guild Assigned: Quest No.1]

An Omega Boyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें