18.3 Ash's Familiar

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18.3 Ash's Familiar

Originally Published: July 7, 2022

James and Kilth collect the reward for the quest while Ash looks around. A bundle of adventurers are sitting at a bar, despite the sun's sitting overhead. A broad group all had large mugs of beer, one of them saw Ash's glance and smiles at him.

Ash doesn't know how to respond back because he can't tell what the intent of the smile was. The man seems quite scary and has a permanent evil look on his face. Ash decides to tilt his head and lifts the little bundle of fur up higher, as if to show the man the creature.

The group grabs a couple of quests, this time they are located in the Aurora forest. James only needs to complete two more quests before he can become an adventurer, and subsequently request the information regarding his brother's whereabouts.

"Hey, James," Kilth calls out, as he pulls James over, "is that little demon kin Ash's familiar?"

"What? I-"

"It's totally fine if it is, just you- you should get some identification for it. The soldiers from Lucian often go back and forth, and they often take a group of demon kin back with them."

James doesn't respond. He looks over to Ash teasing the ball of fur in his arms, he had not thought much about the creature before. Had it already entered a familiar contract with Ash, much to his knowledge?

Would he be able to without a seal?

James thought you would have to forge a seal in order to form a contract with a familiar, he voiced this thought to Kilth.

"Most people have to get a seal, but some can form a contract on their own if they have an affinity for it." Kilth awkwardly shrugs, "Ash has a natural affinity with nature, it seems, so I thought he would be able to form a contract on his own."

Kilth goes on to say, "Most of the time, it is the person who wants to form a contract with a familiar. However, there are cases of creatures being attracted to a person they desire a contract with,"

"I see..."

They walk around town for a while, until Ash starts running off again. This is starting to become a bad habit for Ash, which makes James worried for the future.

It is not very busy in the plaza today, so it isn't a big concern yet, but James is worried this will continue happening and lead Ash into a dangerous situation.

It turns out, Ash saw Zane Pin sitting on a bench next to the central fountain, so he went to say hello. Zane Pin sat with a young girl, about seven years of age, by his side.

Zane Pin sees Ash and his entourage running behind him.

Zane Pin introduces the little girl to Ash as Lena when he arrives at the fountain.

Ash peeks at the girl beside Zane Pin, hiding the rest of his face behind the little ball of fluff in his arms.

The sees the creature Ash is holding and is fascinated by it, the fur looks so clean and soft to touch and-

Lena pets the little creature.

The two start talking about their interests and random bits of information they've heard.

Zane Pin stands up so Ash can sit next to his new friend. He chuckles and turns to speak to James. "That boy is quite adventurous, seems like he hasn't lost that habit yet." He says.

James smiles awkwardly, his eyes glance over to Ash with worry.

"You should get a ceremonial jewel for him, if you haven't already," Zane Pin then adds, "Since he keeps running off."

Over with the kids, as if feeling neglected, the little furball jumps out of Ash's arms to Kilth. It climbs up his leg and nests itself on Kilth's shoulders.

Ash watches the furball as it leaves, pulling his shoulders forwards and twirling his thumbs together. James hands him his plush doll to hold on to, which gives him another conversation to talk about with Lena.

Kilth examines the creature and notes that is hasn't formed a contract with Ash as of yet. Kilth decides that (with James's permission) he will teach Ash how to form a contract with the creature.

"Ash should definitely get a ceremonial jewel, to keep him safe, James." Kilth adds."

"How would I acquire one for him? We don't use ceremonial jewels in my town."

Zane Pin smiles and explains a simplified version of the process of retrieving one. He even points James to where he can get a form to request one.

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