18.2 Ash's Familiar

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18.2 Ash's Familiar

Originally Published: June 28, 2022

James turns to see Kilth and Ash walking back, noticing the creature in Ash's arms. The furball curiously glances at James, yawning as it snuggles closer to Ash.

There are only a few more crates left, which James is able to do himself. By the time Kilth and Ash come back to the wagon, James is already finished loading the wagon.

James goes to pick up Ash's forgotten doll. When he gets to the wagon Kilth is already lifting Ash up into it. The little furball leaps out of Ash's arms once they get into the wagon. It does some parkour across the creates in search of a place for it to rest.

James and Kilth sit across each other, their legs awkwardly tangled due to the small space. Ash is sitting next to James.

The wagon ride is rough for Ash. He frowns, trying to adjust himself to a better position.

The wagon jolts and he flings over by Kilth, hitting his head in the process. The little furball jumps up from its spot, running to Ash. It licks Ash on the cheek.

In a flutter of worry, James untangles his legs from Kilth and he grabs Ash, and brings him back to his side. He rotates himself so he is facing Ash, and pulls Ash into his lap. Ash rests his head on James' head. He sets his arm over his eyes to block out the sun's glare, until James pulls his cloak over Ash.

Ash continues to struggle to find a comfortable position to rest in, even in James' arms. However, he eventually falls asleep along the way.

They finally arrive at the delivery point of the farm. James lays Ash down on top of his satchel so he can continue sleeping. James starts to lift up the crates and hand them to Kilth, who has already exited the wagon. They continue this method until all of the crates are set on the ground by the wagon.

The two of them then carry the creates over to the overhang of the stable. They are stacking the crates in accordance with the labels of the few crates already there.

They finish the task fairly quickly and get on their way back. The gentleman drives the wagon back to town, dropping off the group at the intersection closest to the guild. He makes sure to sign his name on the quest form and says farewell to them.

With Ash in James' arms, they walk down to the guild to register their quest's completion.

The reward for this quest was not much, they would only get 75 copper each, but it is good for a little bit of heavy lifting. The guild manages a variety of quests for different groups of people. There are many registered adventurers that never leave town, and only take quests in their specific niche. Examples include construction work or labor, like the task to move the crates James and Kilth completed.

Others dislike staying in one place for too long. By taking quests that require them to travel, they are able to explore to their heart's content. Often by escorting quests, scouting quests, or going to collect items and deliver them.

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