Chapter 32: Sleepless Nights

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Jess spent the night tossing and turning, reliving the past few days. Everything she thought was going happened had a reverse effect and now she and Chase had agreed to co-parent their child. Their child. It still didn't seem real to her that she was having a baby. She'd love to pick up the phone and call her parents, but her dad had passed away when she was 22 and her mom had left them when she was in middle school. Her dad had been her everything and taught her to be strong and go for all her dreams. She missed him every day, but it was definitely a subject she tried not to bring up. She wanted her baby to have a stable family, but knowing how her and Chase's relationship had gone up until this point, it scared the ever loving shit out of her.

Chase was in his motorhome, going over dinner with Jess and the day. He looked at the photo of the sonogram in his hands and he felt an overwhelming feeling of happiness. He was going to be a father like Blaney and the other drivers. He had always wanted a family and sure he didn't think it would happen this soon, but he was excited. Ok, maybe not as excited to tell his parents he and his ex girlfriend hooked up after a race and well he didn't just leave with a trophy. He picked up his phone and saw the photo he kept of him and Jess and wished that he could just be with her now. Hold her. That's when he got the bright idea of driving to her apartment.

It was 1 AM and Jess was wide awake watching The Office when she saw her phone go off. Who in the fuck would be texting her this time of night? She picked it up and saw it was Chase.

I'm at your door.

Jess read and re-read that text before she heard a light knock on the door. Oh shit he really was here. She got out of bed and went to open the door.

"What are you doing here?" she asked.

"I wanted to be with you Jess. I wanted to hold you." Jess looked at him like he was crazy.

"You drove all the way from the speedway to see me?" she asked.

"I'm standing here aren't I?" Fair point.

"Come in," she said, as he entered her apartment. He followed her into her room as she got back in bed, the TV sound breaking up the obvious tension in the room. Chase took off his shoes and socks as he stood beside the bed.

"You can lay down with me if you want," she offered. He accepted her offer before she took it back. He offered his arm to her and she gave in as she cuddled against Chase's chest. She had missed being here, but she wasn't going to let herself get used to it. His hand stroked her hair as his other hand found her stomach as he laid his hand on it. For once in a long time, Jess felt peace and started to fall asleep. Before she drifted off to sleep, she heard Chase say something she was pretty sure he said because he thought she was asleep already. I love you both so much. Well he just made her co-parenting plan a whole lot harder.

The next morning, instead of Jess's alarm waking her up, her morning sickness did. She ran for the bathroom and conducted what she now called her morning ritual. She loved that she was having a baby, but the sickness she could definitely do without.

"Jess?" she heard his voice through the bathroom door.

"Don't come in," she replied, lifting her head out of the toilet. She then heard the door open and Chase walked in and over to where she was.

"Is there anything I can get you?"

"There are some crackers in the kitchen and a glass of water." Chase exited the other bathroom door and got what Jess had asked for.

"How often does this happen?" he asked.

"Every morning. Sometimes during the day. The doctor gave me some anti-nausea medicine, but sometimes it doesn't help."

He ran his hand over her face. "I'm here if you need anything."

"Thank you." Chase heard his phone go off in the other room and he got up to go check it while Jess got to her feet and brushed her teeth.

"I have to get going. Early media appearance I forgot about."

"It's fine Chase." He pulled on his shoes and stood to leave.

"I'll see you tonight," he said, kissing her forehead. She nodded and watched him walk out the front door. 

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