Chapter 31: Holding On, Not Back

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As the event came to a close, Jess could feel the butterflies start to appear in her stomach. Sure even Chase had said dinner as friends, but she still couldn't shake the image of the smile on his face this morning when they heard their baby's heartbeat together.

"Earth to Jess," Michelle snapped her fingers in front of Jess' face.

"Sorry. What's up?"

"Want to grab dinner?"

Jess looked over as she saw Chase start walking towards them. "Actually, Chase and I are going to have dinner and talk about the baby." Michelle's eyebrows raised at what had just come out of her friends mouth.

"Have fun and be careful," Michelle answered.

"It's two friends having dinner, discussing the child they just happened to make together. What could happen?" Famous. Last. Words.

After the event had concluded and Chase had done what he needed to he snuck away to find Jess. Was he hoping dinner might lead to more, he hoped. Did he see it happening? Wasn't counting on it. He noticed her off in the corner talking with her friend Michelle. As he approached her, they got quiet all of a sudden. A very likely hint that he was the subject they were talking about.

"You ready?" he asked.

"Yep," Jess answered. He offered his arm like a southern gentleman and walked her to the car.

"The event was fun," Jess said as they sat down in Red Rocks for dinner. Lucky for them, they had been seated in a booth in the back away from everyone.

"A lot going on. Race weeks, especially ones in Charlotte are hectic, but with the charity events this year, it has been extra crazy."

"Guess it didn't help finding out you had a baby on the way either," she said with a laugh.

"Definitely wasn't expected, but the best news I've gotten all year."

"To be honest Chase, I thought you'd want to go about living your life without a baby. I mean you're so young and have a career ahead of you. I feel like a baby would have just held you back."

"Held me back? Jess, you and our baby are the best things to happen to me."

"Really?" Jess whispered. Chase's hand reached across the table for hers.

"Yes. The only thing I would change is what I did to you." Jess was pretty sure could feel the tears starting to form in her eyes and she wasn't sure if it was Chase or her pregnancy hormones, but she had to get her emotions in check. They were friends who were going to co-parent, that's it.

"Are you ok?" he asked. She shook her head yes, but Chase knew that she was far from it.

He drove her back to her apartment and walked her up to her door.

"Thank you for tonight," Jess said, putting the key in the door.

"You're welcome. Thank you for letting me go to your doctor's appointment." The genuine look on Chase's face made her heart's walls want to come crashing down.

"See you tomorrow at the gala?" she finally mustered.

"Yes for sure. Goodnight Jess," he said, kissing her cheek. He walked down the stairs as she watched him leave.

"Goodnight Chase." 

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