Chapter 23: You Don't Get It

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Jess wasn't really sure where telling Chase they could talk over dinner came from, but she was glad to just get him off her back for a minute. She was here to do her job and shadow Jimmie Johnson and the Make A Wish kids through their VIP weekend, but Chase just happened to be there as well. She stood back as Jimmie was leading the kids around the garage and showing them the box that held the tools and what was used to work on the car. Being here, seeing the kids get to meet their hero is why Jess loved her job. It was moments like this that really put life into perspective.

"Ok kids, that's it for today. We'll all get to walk out on pit road tomorrow before the race," Jimmie said. Parents gathered their kids as they began to walk off as Jess followed Jimmie and his PR girl back to his hauler. As they entered the garage, they said their goodbyes as Jess went her own way and to find the person she had made plans with for dinner, Chase.

Chase had been hanging out in his motorhome until Jess was done with her interviews. He had hung out with the kids earlier in the day, but prior sponsor engagements had pulled him away. When Jess had suggested they just talk over dinner, they didn't really make any definitive plans, but he hoped she wouldn't stand him up. While scrolling his phone, he saw a text message flash across his screen. Jess.

Done for the day and around the fan zone. Where are you?

In my motorhome. I can come pick you up in my golf cart. Give me like 3 minutes.


Chase pulled on his shoes and grabbed the keys to his golf cart because lord knows he couldn't get to Jess fast enough.

He pulled up and saw Jess waiting for him outside the gate.

"Thanks for coming to pick me up," she said, hopping on the golf cart.

"No problem at all," he answered as they sped away, not to be caught by any fans. "Did you want to take separate cars to dinner or just ride together?"

"Can we just get take-out or something and hang out outside your motorhome or something?" she asked.

"We can definitely do that. If you want any alcohol, we can stop and get that too."

"Sounds good." Jess hoped in Chase's car as they found food and Jess found some of her favorite Barcardi Seltzers. They sat outside his motorhome as the driver's lot was starting to wind down as the Florida sun began to set in the sky.

"Want another drink?" Chase asked. Jess nodded her head. "Rough day?"

"Not rough, just long. I live for getting to cover stories like the one I'm doing for Jimmie and the one I even wrote about you. It's just mentally exhausting sometimes, not to mention being around you again if I'm being honest."

"I won't hold it against you," Chase answered, taking a sip of his beer. There was a brief silence and then the alcohol Jess had been drinking kicked in her confidence.

"Why did you do it Chase?" Jess asked. His face was like a deer in headlights. It took a moment for him to regain his composure before he began to answer.

"Jess, I don't know. It was a stupid mistake. We were in a relationship and I really wanted you at the track with me, but you had plans already and couldn't. I guess between alcohol and just being a dick, I made a horrible decision and I paid the price. You had every right to break things off with me and for that I'm truly sorry."

"I think you're still missing the point of why I'm so mad. I like to think I'm outgoing and very strong-willed, which in retrospect means I don't take shit easily. With you for some reason all the walls I had built, you blew them wide open within days of meeting you. I never sleep with someone I just met, let alone a NASCAR driver. I felt like such an idiot for believing you would be different and you even told me you loved me. That's what hurts the most. One day you're telling me you love me and the next you're telling me you've hooked up with your ex. Chase there is no in between."

Chase could tell as hard as she was trying to hide it, that Jess was holding back tears. He knew he had broken her heart. Hell, he'd broken his own as he left her apartment that night, knowing for once in a long time, he had fallen for someone who had made him so happy.

"I'm so sorry Jess."

"I need to go," she said, getting up to leave. Chase got up to try to stop her, pulling on her arm, their face inches from each other.

"I can't Chase," she said, walking away and toward her car.

He watched her walk away and as much as he wanted to tell her, he knew she wouldn't believe that he was still head over heels in love with her. 

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