Chapter 7: A Real Date

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Chase got on his airplane to head up to NC for his team meeting and hoped while he was there, he could take Jess out on a real date. He found her number in his phone and sent a quick text.

So I'll be in town today for my team meeting and some sponsor things, but I was wondering if you'd like to have dinner with me?

He set his phone down and took off, hoping for a good answer when he landed.

Jess sat at work, starting to write her piece on Chase and his involvement with different charities. As she started to type his name, a text from him flashed across her phone. She saw he had asked her to dinner because he was going to be in town today. Ok here's her chance to see if she actually wanted a relationship with him or maybe he could be a fling she had. She typed back she'd love to have dinner with him and now the panic set in. What do I wear?

Chase showed up to Jess's apartment later that day. He knocked on the door and waited for her to answer. She opened the door and he caught his breath. She was in a black sundress and heels, her hair curled. "You look beautiful," he said. "Thanks." He offered his arm as they made their way out to his rental car.

"So long time no see," Jess said jokingly. She saw Chase crack a smile. "Thanks to you, I actually watched the race last weekend. You did pretty good." "Wait, you actually watched it?" he asked. Jess nodded. "Well that's a big change from when we first met." "Yeah yeah," she replied. Chase pulled into the North Harbor Club on Lake Norman. "I've never been here," Jess said. "I've been once, but they have pretty good food." He parked the SUV and led Jess inside.

The two sat at the table, sipping their drinks. "Now that you have a newfound respect for NASCAR, does that mean you'll come to another race?" Chase asked. Jess took a sip of wine. "You want me to come to another race?" she asked. "Yes. With me," he replied. Jess sat back in her chair and crossed her arms. "I know I don't know a lot about the goings on in NASCAR, but don't you guys not bring girls to the track unless you're married or something?" Chase stopped mid sip. "Well to be honest, I have brought an ex to the track before and yes we had been together a long time, but that doesn't mean anything." "Example?" she asked. Chase looked like a deer in headlights trying to come up with an answer. "Well Ryan Blaney." "What about him?" Jess asked. "He met his wife at an autograph session. They went out on one date before he brought her to a race and then he won and she was in victory lane with him and now they are married with a son." Jess took another sip of her wine. "Look Chase, up until like a week ago, I didn't like NASCAR, didn't know anything about it sure as hell didn't know anything about you until I was told I had to interview you. Are you sure I'm the one you want to pursue? Because I'm pretty sure there is a line of girls waiting to get their hands on Chase Elliott." Chase leaned into the table and looked Jess straight in the eyes. "Yeah, but I want you."

The words resonated in her head. I want you. For someone Jess thought was quiet and reserved, Chase was sure being forward in his feelings for her. "How does this even work? You don't live close?" she asked. "I'll be up here for team meetings every week and I fly out of here for the races. You can come with me then." She gave him a questioning look. "I'll give this a shot, but I don't want my heart broken." Chase raised his hand. "I will try my best not to do that to you." "Then you're on Clyde." 

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