Chapter 17: The Confession

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Chase laid in bed with Jess that night, his head reeling and his thoughts elsewhere. He had never wanted to hook back up with Whitley, but a couple weeks ago he was alone in his motorhome when Jess didn't come to the track with him. He had already had a couple of mixed drinks and then Whitley came knocking. As much as he tried to resist her, he wasn't quite thinking with the right head in the moment and they ended up having sex. He felt like shit afterwards, realizing what the hell happened and hoped it would stay buried so he could be with Jess. Guess he wasn't so lucky.

Jess began to move and she opened her eyes and smiled at him and noticed he had a concerned look on his face.

"What's wrong Chase? Is it the call you got earlier?" she asked. He could feel the color drain from his face as he got out of bed, Jess sitting up. "Tell me Chase."

He ran his hand over his face and started. "Blaney called earlier to tell me my ex showed up at his house, threatening to release photos of us."

"So? Ya'll broke up?"

"Jess. A few weeks ago when you didn't go to the racetrack with me, I was in my motorhome drinking a few and she showed up. We ended up having sex. I didn't want it to happen and I feel like shit about it." He looked up and finally met her face. Tears streamed down her cheeks and it made his heart drop. She got out of bed and got face to face with him as the sadness melted away into anger, hurt.

"You told me you loved me, you son of a bitch. I knew when I got involved with NASCAR's version of a God, this would happen, but you seemed different, like you actually cared about me. Is it your game to make girls fall in love with you until a better one comes along?"

"Jess, please. I'm so sorry. I really do love you."

"Get out Chase. I don't care where you go, just leave. I'm done."

He gathered his things and made his way to the car. He had texted Blaney about crashing at his house and Blaney had reluctantly agreed. He was dejected. Chase knew he had fucked up royally and falling in love with Jess had only made this worse. He had told his parents about her and how happy she made him and now he was leaving her apartment without her.

Chase got to Blaney's house and rang the doorbell. Ryan opened the door and saw Chase was upset and it looked like he had been crying.

"Ok come in and tell me what the fuck happened Clyde." Chase followed Ryan to the living room where Allie sat on the couch, watching TV.

"What the hell Chase?" she asked.

Chase sat down opposite of her and Ryan on the couch as he went over what happened with his ex and then what had transpired at Jess's apartment. Before Ryan had a chance to get a word out, Allie spoke up.

"So what are you going to do Chase? This is a huge speed bump and you didn't make it over quite how you thought. I mean do you have feelings for Jess?"

Chase was ringing his hands and finally looked up at his friends across from him.

"I love her. I told her while we were in Florida."

"If you love her Chase, why in the hell would you cheat on her?" Ryan asked.

"Man, I had been drinking. I regret everything that happened and I know I probably lost the girl I had truly fallen for."

Allie looked at Ryan and then they both turned back to Chase.

"Look man, I know mistakes happen, but if you know she's the one, maybe give her some time. I mean hell look at us."

"We get it," Allie replied, cutting him off. "If you want her Chase, give her time. If she loves you as much as you love her, then that's not going to disappear tomorrow. Trust me."

"I sure as hell hope so." 

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