Chapter 20: Fate Can Be Funny

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Jess sat at her desk typing up an article, when her boss Carrie called her to come into her office. She walked the short distance to the office as her boss motioned for her to shut the door and take a seat.

"Do you have any plans for this weekend?" Carrie asked.

"Um, no?" Jess answered.

"Good. We want to send you out to the NASCAR race to cover a story about Jimmie Johnson's Foundation." Jess wasn't sure if Carrie could tell the color had drained from her face because good lord she had.

"What do I need to cover?" Jess squeaked out.

"Just follow Jimmie. Some kids are coming from the Make A Wish Foundation as a tie in to his foundation and it all ties in with the Hendrick sponsor charity stories we've been working on this year."

"You really want me to do it?"

"Jess you did a great job with the Chase Elliott piece and this is all about showing your potential," Carrie answered.

"When do I leave?"


"You've got to be kidding," Michelle said on the other end of the phone.

"I wish I was. Maybe I won't run into him."

"Or maybe you want to, but you keep telling yourself you don't want to."

"Michelle, I'm there to do my job, not chase around some guy I dated who cheated on me."

"You mean chase, Chase," Michelle laughed.

"You're not much help, but I have to go, about to board my flight."

"Alright be safe girl and tell me all about it."

"Will do." Jess found her seat as she put in her headphones as the plane took off for Daytona. She never thought she'd have to go to another NASCAR race again, but she just hoped she could avoid Chase.

Chase stood in his garage stall while they worked on his car as practice began to whine down. For the weekend, his neighbors in the garage were his teammate Jimmie Johnson and Blaney so he couldn't complain.

"Alright Chase, I think we've made all the adjustments we need before qualifying," his crew chief said.

"Sounds good," Chase said as he put on his sunglasses and braced for the fans waiting for his autograph. He signed as many autographs as he could before he reached the door of his hauler as he made his way to the front lounge.

"Chase, there are some kids here from Make A Wish for Jimmie, but they were also hoping to meet you as well. They're over in his hauler right now if you want to head over real quick," his PR girl said.

Chase nodded as they walked over to the 48 hauler and into the lounge where Jimmie stood, showing the kids where he kept his firesuits. "Hi Chase," Jimmie answered as he noticed his teammate had joined them.

"Hi," Chase answered, giving a small wave. "It's nice to meet all of you." The smiles on the kids faces could brighten anyone's day and then the door opened.

"Jimmie, Jessica Andrews is here to do the interview for the charity," Lauren, his PR said.

"Cool, send her in."

It took Chase a moment to register that name in his mind, but when the familiar dark blonde with stunning green eyes walked through the door and they locked eyes, they both could feel the air get sucked out of the room.

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